Sorry, not an update! But very IMPORTANT!

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Hello all,

I have a bit of upsetting news.

It's come to my attention that people are starting to steal the idea of my Elementals series. As you can imagine, this is extremely upsetting for me. Not only have I spent TWO YEARS on this series but the basis of the Abled society came from dedicating it to my disabled cousin. 

For those who have followed me for a while, you all know I am not an angry person. I don't care if you bug me to update, I don't care if you advertise on my wall or stories - we all have to start somewhere - but to steal something, that is in fact COPYRIGHTED, is not on. 

To my knowledge there are two users on Wattpad who have stolen my idea to make their own stories and I will give them a week to take it down before I notify Wattpad, the dates of my stories are clear evidence it is my own work therefore you have no excuse really. My work is copyrighted and I have never once given approval for them to use my work and make up their own.

I started writing as a way to keep mentally active while I was a full time mom. I am now, not only a full time mom, but a full time nursing student and I apologise for the lack of updates but I rarely have time to sleep, let alone write. 

Thank you for those who notified me of these people, I would highly appreciate if you came across anyone else doing this to please tell me. Plagiarism is a crime, and just morally wrong.

Nix <3

The Elementals: The Rise of the DeviantsWhere stories live. Discover now