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Name: Emily Faith

Username: TheDivineMissM

State: NSW

Current Work(s): Prank War, and The Conversion.

Favourite Character (own): Ooh, tough, I love them all, but probably Nat from Prank War.

 Favourite Character (others): Rose Hathaway from VA, Skye from Cute But Psycho ( by TheFlamingPopsicle-Wattpad, and Tara from Ten Things (by alexoxo-Wattpad.)Any character that's strong while remaining imperfect, and quirkiness doesn't go astray either.

Where does your inspiration come from? Everything.

 Is there any meaning behind your username? It's my Aunt's nickname for me, she's the only one who calls me that but I wanted something different for Wattpad, something original that no one else had and that would distinguish me from other writers while being easy to remember.

 Personal cure for writer’s block: Logging onto Wattpad and annoying people I've fanned and those who have fanned me. I always cure writers block by talking through what I'm stuck on with other writers. Especially if they know the plot of your story and what's going on. They fire a bunch of questions at you about what could happen and how your character would react and you can be like, well that wouldn't happen, this would, and bam there you go. I love doing this with other writers so if any of you have writers block and need to talk it out hit me up on chat, I promise I don't bite.... Much.

Tips on writing: My three biggest are write for yourself not for anyone else. Too many people end up caving for popularity and abandon what they stood for in the first place just to write what other people want and the result is never good. My second is don't force it. If it's not flowing naturally then forcing it to come out will just end up in more stress, a headache and writers block. Chances are if it's not coming along, there's something wrong. Go back and read over it and fix whatever it is, and if there's nothing wrong with it you probably just need a break. My last is to write from your heart. If you're just putting a bunch of pretty words on paper with no meaning behind it, your readers are gonna see straight through that, and you. Write something that's important to you. Put every ounce of your heart and your emotions into it and it'll be a hit. If not it's going to read fake and forced.

 Story Pet Hates: Bad spelling and grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect that's impossible, just at least bother to try. And also when people claim that they love it more than anything and don't put any effort into it, this really bugs me. I just can't stand it when people are all 'I wanna be a writer and because I'm so passionate and serious about it' and you think oh great well even if they're not the best writer there's gonna be something there because they're so passionate about, and no. It's badly written and they haven't even bothered with an interesting plot or 3D characters.

Clichés you avoid at all costs: It really depends on the story. I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to read something with an arranged marriage, sparkly vampires or best friends falling in love, but if the writer has really taken their time to give it a few twists and plot turns so it's original again then I definitely wouldn't pass it up. I actually really love clichés because I like to challenge myself. I like to figure out how I could change it and make it more original and creative.

Favourite authors/members/stories: alexoxo and her story Ten Things is hilarious, her main character is also very real and relatable whilst still being totally original. As is pretty much everything TheFlamingPopsicle writes (I've only read a few of hers but she is an extremely funny and original writer.)

 Favourite Book (Excluding Wattpad): Ooh, this is a tough one. Anything by Meg Cabot or Richelle Mead, I can't just choose one.

 Must Read Authors (Excluding Wattpad): Meg Cabot, her stories were what got me into writing seriously. And Richelle Mead, she completely sucks you in and doesn't let you go until you've finished right up to the last page.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, listening and playing music, pretty much anything that's remotely creative. I avoid anything physical like the plague.

Favourite Food: CHEESECAKE!

Favourite Song: Impossible. There are too many.

Favourite Band: There are lots but I'll stick with Nickelback as I first started listening to them when I was eleven and they are yet to release a song that I don't like.

Are you in a relationship? If so who and are they on Wattpad? Why do you need to know? Stalker much? XD lol, no and no.

AFL team: Family team is Port. *recoils and shields body from the arsenal of rotten tomatoes in mid-air.* But I like the Hawks as well.

Other random things about you: I'm a total tomboy. I wear boys’ clothes. I hate the heat, but it's okay because it's a mutual feeling, the heat hates me too. I'm terrified of anything remotely creepy crawly,I can't sit through a movie with no action scenes and stay awake. I'm not kidding, I fall asleep. Despite the heat I absolutely love OZ and couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world. Sorry! That was super long and the spacing spazzed out XP

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