Big Risk, Big Reward

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I frantically searched for the black motorcycle as Trevor pulled into the parking lot, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Easy Jordan. Why do you suddenly look like there are snipers in the parking lot out to get you?" Trevor asked, with a quirked eyebrow.

"I'm just looking for Jade." I simply said, barely sending him a glance, as I continued to look and wait for Jade.

"Finally asking her out are you?" Trevor said, with an obvious smirk on his voice.

I hesitated before saying, "Maybe." That's when I heard it. The roaring of motorcycle engines in the air, and my heart skipped a beat, as I watched Jade and her brother park into their spaces. Jade took off her helmet, and saw me looking at her, and sent me a waive.

"Go get her." Trevor said, nudging me. Without a second to spare, I sped walked to Jade's motorcycle.

"Hey Jordan. I'm really sorry about your dad." Jade said, once I got to her.

I slowly reached out and touched her shoulder. "Can I talk to private?" I whispered, looking at her intimidating brother, who was eyeing me with a face with no emotion.

"Sure. See you later Chad." Jade said, before following me to the school.

We went to the one place that barely anybody wanted to venture to at this time of the day....the library building. OK correction, we went on the opposite side of the library, where no one else could see us. I took a deep breath before turning back to Jade.

"Jade, given everything that has recently happened, I probably shouldn't have come to school today. But I had to come, because I had to talk to you." I started.

"You came for me?" Jade asked, with a look of shock and.....was that happiness? No, don't get your hopes too high Whitehead. Not yet at least. "Well, I'm flattered Jordan. But what did you want to talk to me about, and why?"

"Well let me answer the first and third questions for you first. Yes I came to talk to you. Why you ask? It is because my dad.....had things he wanted to do, but never got the chance to do with us, and I have learned that tomorrow is not guaranteed to you. So, I am taking advantage of the time I have been gifted with to do what I want to do now, and I have been waiting too long to ask you this." I explained.

Jade stepped a little closer to me and placed a hand on my forearm at my side. "Ask me what?" she said.

I was bracing myself up for my next choice of words. Sweat was starting to emerge and I began to tremble inside. But somehow, someway, I found enough strength to get the words out of my mouth.

"Jade, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I said. This was the part that I have always been scared of. This was the part that I regretted every time I asked out a girl. And with every second of waiting, the silence was killing me.

Jade, once again had a shocked look on her face as she stared at me. It was already ten seconds and she remained silent. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

But, right as I said that, Jade's face turned into a bright smile that reached her eyes, and I felt hope rising from my gut.

"OK, sure." She said.

Relief flooded through me as I released all my nervousness. "Great!" I said, laughing a little. Seeing my reaction, Jade released a little giggle as well, just as the bell rang for first hour.

Jade walked very close to me as we walked from class to class, and I mean very close. Right to the point where we were touching in fact. Not that I wasn't enjoying this. At lunch, Jade sat with me and she and I discussed where we would go for Wow! I am having fun saying that word!

"So where were you thinking of going?" She asked as we ate.

"Well, I was thinking that we could go to the movies, maybe go to dinner, or just hang around the mall again. I am not picky with what we do, just as long as I get to spend time with you." I said, looking directly into her eyes to show that I meant every word.

"Well, not exactly the most romantic ideas of a first date," Jade started, but soon a smile grew onto her face. "But with that last sentence, I share your view of things. If I get to spend time with you, that's all that matters to me."

I looked down at the ground as I blushed from her words. She then scooted herself closer to me, so that we were touching, and I had the strongest urge to put my hand around her shoulders. But I stopped myself. I can't do that until the actual date. I don't want to accelerate things too much. Jade may not like it.

"Safe to say, I am really looking forward to our date Jordan." Jade said, smiling at me.

"That makes two of us Jade." I said, looking into her eyes. For a split second, I thought I saw her eyes change color to an azure blue, the same eye color the wolf had back at the church. But as I was about to say something, in a nanosecond, the blue was gone. I must be going crazy.

The day went on, and soon it was time to leave. I followed Jade to her motorcycle as she prepared to leave.

"So, Friday at seven?" she asked me.

I knew immediately that she was referring to the date. "Yep. I'll be counting down the hours till then." I said, smiling. Jade smiled too, and started her motorcycle. But before she put her helmet on, she paused and looked back at me.

"Hey Jordan, come here." She said. I took a few steps closer to her, and she motioned for me to come even closer. I instantly, but slowly obliged as our faces were about three inches from each other. Then she leaned, placed a hand on my left cheek, and kissed my right cheek softly. It was short, but it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! I instantly entered cloud nine after that.

"Whoa. I mean....t-thanks." I stuttered, and Jade giggled at my reaction, before putting her helmet on.

"See you tomorrow Jordan." she said, just before kicking off the ground and exiting the parking lot.

I could have died from happiness right then and there, and if it weren't for Trevor grabbing me and literally shoving me into the car, I probably would have.

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