Beginning of a Bondage

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Jade's POV

Class was boring as f*ck, that's for sure. So for the most part, I am looking at Jordan beside me. I can't help but wonder what was going through his mind earlier in the parking lot. He was probably expecting me to insult or ignore him like I did when we first met.

I released a sigh as I thought back to that day. I am not that friendly when it comes to people. I'm just not. I have been screwed over so many times in the past by so many people, that I have built a barrier around my feelings and just act like this cold person. But then I ran into this guy, who is seemingly good, but instantly, I just become a complete bi*ch to him. But when we touched at lunch, I felt something. Something I thought I might never experience. A spark, and a good type of spark at that. And from that point forward, all of my thoughts have been centered on Jordan. I've gone crazy just thinking about him and that spark that I felt, that I still feel now.

I felt overwhelmed, and when you're a werewolf, being overwhelmed is NEVER a good thing. I had to get away from him for a while. I needed to clear my head and get myself together. My mother clearly noticed this and I will never forget the words that she said. This boy you speak of could be your mate Jade.

It is said that every wolf has a soul mate. A soul mate for a werewolf is the most important thing to a werewolf. You love everything about that mate, and you hold that mate as if it was a piece of your soul walking on the Earth. No one or nothing else even matters once you find your mate. I still find that hard to believe that Jordan is my mate. Although, I have to admit that he is cute....for a nerd. But I hardly even know him, and he's a human. A werewolf's mate is supposed to be another werewolf, so I know he can't be mine. But if it's not him, then why do I feel compelled to be around him? I even tracked his scent in my wolf form during the weekend and followed it to his house. Yes I know it was creepy, but for some reason, it kinda felt......right. And when I heard the things his family said to him that night, I instantly felt bad about the way I treated him, and so now, here I am debating with myself if he's the one for me or not. This is so bizarre, but in a somewhat good way....if that even makes any sense what-so-ever.

Jordan's POV

As class ended, I walked with Jade to her second hour class. "You know, you don't have to come. I know the way." she said as we stopped outside her classroom. "Not that I don't like this though."

I smiled when she said that last part. "I know, but I want to. you wanna......wanna..." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck, which is an indicator that I was getting nervous. Jade stood there patiently with an eyebrow raised. Ah what the hell. "Would you like to hang out with me later on today after school?"

Jade stood still for a good six seconds, before saying, "Maybe." She then smirked a little bit at me. "That is....if you are OK with riding on a motorcycle." she adds, her eyes twinkling in anticipation.

MOTORCYCLES??!! Are you kidding me? Why not just ask me to jump off a cliff?!!! But then again, with this girl, I feel like I can handle anything. "Motorcycles freak me out. But if a beautiful girl ever asked me if I wanted to ride one with her, I certainly would." I said stupidly, before slapping my hand to my mouth as I had realized what I just said. Well ain't that a crap!

Jade's eyes widened in complete shock at my words, before the bell rang and I realized I needed to get to my class. "You know what, let's just pretend that that last embarrassing sentence was just a yes and move on to class. I'll see you later Jade." I said, and walked away before she could reply. I am such an IDIOT!!!!!!

After second hour, I went to third period, English. For once, it wasn't the class that I was petrified about. It was the reaction on Jade's face when both of us see each other since the most embarrassing moment of my life. I was trying to calm myself down, when suddenly she came in and sat next to me and flashed me a quick smile. I started to relax a little after that.

Once the school day was over, I told Trevor that I was going somewhere with Jade and headed out to the black motorcycle in the parking lot. The red motorcycle was nowhere to be found, but Jade was leaning up against her black motorcycle as I approached, and it seemed to me that she had a look of relief and happiness when she saw me approach her. "Hey." I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hiya." she said, tossing me a helmet, before starting the bike. "You up for going to the mall?" she asked. I nodded, and eyed the bike with obvious nervousness. "Relax, it's not gonna bite you. Come on, get on!" she yelled over the motor. I gulped and slowly got on and put on the helmet. Then I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, hanging on for dear life as she took off.

'I didn't die. I didn't die. I didn't die," That's what i kept telling myself as we exited the bike and entered the mall. Jade on the other hand was clearly amused with my relief. We just talked about a bunch of random things as we walked from shop to shop, and let me tell you, it was really comforting to have civil conversations with her. I felt like I was drawn more and more to her as we talked. I could tell that this was the start of a good friendship. Of would be great if it was more than a friendship to me, but I'm not putting all my chips on that number.

At one point, I saw a couple of girls waiving flirtatiously at me from one of the restaurants. They weren't all that attractive......OK I was just being modest, they weren't attractive to me at all. It was then that I heard a low inhuman growl coming from my left, and the only thing that was to my left was Jade, who was glaring daggers at the two girls. That couldn't have been a growl that I heard from her, right? I guess I must be hearing things. "You alright Jade?" I asked, concerned.

Jade took a deep breath and looked at me again before saying, "Yes. I'm fine. Let's just go somewhere else." Before I knew it, she grabbed my wrist and was literally dragging me away from the area, and DAMN, she had a strong grip. So strong, Superman would have some competition! Although, I can't say I didn't like it at all. I felt the same electricity and warmth come over me as she made contact with me, only this time it seemed even stronger, and I never wanted it to stop. After a while of walking, we passed by a store that she apparently liked, and she let go of my wrist to take a look inside. I just stayed outside due to the fact that it was a girly store, and there was absolutely nothing in there that would satisfy me.......except Jade of course.

Jade ended up not buying anything and we started heading for the exit. "I had a nice time today." Jade said, as we neared the bike.

"Yeah? Me too. Who knew a bad girl would be so entertaining to be friends with!" I said ecstatically. She rolled her eyes, but laughed at my little statement. I directed her the way to my house, while continuing to hold onto her waist. After today, I felt even closer to Jade than I did prior to all of this.

As I got off to say good-bye, Jade said, "Jordan. Come here for a sec please." I immediately  walked back to her as she shut off her bike. She got very close to me and she looked into my eyes with those dark brown orbs of hers. "About earlier today. I really find it flattering that you find me attractive. There's no need to be embarrassed, alright? It won't wreck our friendship." she said with a serious face.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me Jade." I said, feeling butterflies in my stomach. Then, just when I thought I could feel any better, Jade steps closer to me and wraps her arms around my torso in a tight hug. I stood frozen in the feeling of warmth and comfort overpowering me, before I wrapped my arms around her in return. After a half a minute, she released me and hopped back onto her bike.

"See you tomorrow.....nerd" Jade said, but she has a teasing smile on her face, to let me know she was just messing with me.

"See ya little miss trouble maker." I said with a teasing smirk of my own. She laughed and waived at me, before taking off into the night and I sighed. There was just something about that Jade Lewis that just draws me to her, other than the fact that she's hot as hell. It was too hard to describe something that felt so amazing at the moment.

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