The New Girl

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Jordan's POV

Mornings. Why must they even exist? Clearly humanity is more suited for late days, or at least I am. But, being in high school, I must endure drowsiness. I get up from my bed and head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie!" said my mother, as I came to the table. "You're just in time! Breakfast is ready." she said, walking over to the table, placing the food in front of me, and kissing my cheek before going back into the kitchen.

"Sweetness! Thank you mom." I said as I started to devour my food. About two minutes later, my older brother, Trevor, sat beside me and eyed the watch on his hand.

"Relax Trevor, breakfast is done, you can stop worrying about the time for now." Mom said, as she placed his food in front of him too.

"Thanks mom. Morning little bro." he said, giving me a fist bump. Trevor and I were extremely close to each other. There was hardly a time where we separated at all in the sixteen years I have been alive. He's two years older than me, so he is a senior in high school now.

"What up Trev." I said, before going back to eating. Soon, we both got done eating, and went back upstairs to get ready for school. Trevor is very strict when it comes to time management, so he sets up a timer in the bathroom for how long we should take to get ready. It bothered the heck out of me at first, but over time, I got accustomed to it. Soon we were in his car and driving towards school.

"Your know Jordan, from what I hear, there's going to be a new girl coming today. And I think she's a sophomore. Maybe you could ask her out if you find her attractive." Trevor said.

I turned towards him and said, "Yeah and in the process, I'll sign up to go into political science." Trevor smirked at my sarcasm because he knew just as well as I do that politics is the one thing I will absolutely never get involved in.

"I'm being serious man. Why are you being so close-minded about this subject?" Trevor asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I just don't want a girlfriend right now." The truth was, I really am interested in dating someone, it's just that when I have asked out others, every single answer resulted in "NO." I have received that three times over the last four years, and so finally I decided to lay low and try to get on with my life, without putting myself in those stressful situations.

"Suit yourself then Jordan. But you never know." Trevor said, as we pulled into the school parking lot. We got out and started walking towards the school, when there was a loud engine coming from behind us. Both of us turned to see what car was making that sound, but it turns out, that it wasn't a car at all, or one for that matter. There were two motorcycles parked in the dead center of the parking lot. The red one was occupied by a tall guy, with tattoos littered on both his arms, and shades on his eyes. Whereas the owner of the black motorcycle beside it had yet to take their helmet off.

"I don't remember those two ever being here." I said, looking at Trevor.

"Neither have I. I'm willing to bet they're the new guys."Trevor said. I nodded in agreement, before looking back to the motorcycle duo and instantaneously, my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Whoa." I mumbled. The second rider took of their helmet and revealed quite possibly the most gorgeous girl to ever exist. She had long black hair, dark brown eyes, smooth pink lips, and she was wearing a leather jacket, black jeans, and black high-heeled boots. My eyes were locked in on just her. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, heck I could barely breathe. All I wanted to do was just stare at her gorgeous features.

"Jordan??!" Trevor said, snapping his fingers in my face. I was pulled away from my trance as I looked back at him. He then smirked and said, "Still not wanting to date her?" I rolled my eyes at his question. "She seems cute...." he started again. Cute?? Try outstandingly hot! "But she also seems like a bad-ass, so I probably would not do anything if I were you. See you later Jordan." Trevor said, as he walked away to the building his first class was in.

I tried turning around to look at the girl again, but instead my face connected with a fist and I fell to the ground. "How goes it Whitehead?" said a voice that I knew all to well. Jack Wilson, the 6'6" giant, aka my bully since the seventh grade, was towering over me with a smug look on his face. "Get this. You're doing my homework for today. Understood?" he said, grabbing the collar of my shirt, and pulling me up to where my feet were dangling. Not wanting any trouble, I nodded. "Good. See you later Whitehead." he said, throwing me against one of the metal poles on the campus, before walking off.

I rubbed the back of my head, when I realized I was being watched. The girl I saw earlier had come to the spot where Jack bullied me, and stood there, staring directly at me with no emotion. After a second, she then walked away, leaving me alone near the entrance of the school. "How humiliating." I said to myself I I got up and went to my first class.

During my first class, math, my teacher said that the principle wanted to see me for something. I quickly went to the administration building and found the principle's office. "Morning Mr. Whitehead. Now that you're here, I'd like you to escort someone around the campus." he said, pointing towards the far corner of his office. I followed his finger, and when I saw who he was pointing at, I just could not believe it.

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