Prolouge Part 1

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It all started when I was thirteen. I was just an emo girl who had a passion for drawing. Friends? Yes I had three of them Jessica, Ruby and Melanie. Jessica was your tomboy gamer who was a goofball and loved sports. Ruby was a formal, rich white girl who always came wearing prada, channel etc. and drinking Starbucks . Melanie, an adorable weird nerd, loved comics and cartoons. We had enemies too such as Becca Abercrombie, an incredibly sexy first class bitch. She was into electro music, such as skrillex. Becca was shallow, self-centered, suck-up lying brat. Everybody loved her though. Everybody except the four of us. Becca bullied us, well mainly me. I was a shy, super smart yet emo kid. I was an only child. My life was perfectly normal until something strange happened.

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