[ nine ]

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[ nine ] 

Mitchell soon got sick of them just passing notes to each other, when in reality they were both in the mall and they both knew it. She told herself that she would tell Luke this time that they might as well meet. She didn't have anything to lose and she already knew that he wasn't a stalker.

Before you answer back with something cheesy and we keep going back and forth,

let's just meet. I'm getting tired and I need to go home, Luke.


PS (I know I said I wouldn't do this anymore, but only one more time) No, I don't go home and drown myself in my sorrows by burning myself because I think I'm "fat," so don't even bring it up. You should know by now that I hate stereotypes. 


Mitchell groaned as he went over to the table to put his own note back. If he was going to be stupid and stubborn, she might as well go over and sit with him.

She went there and plunked herself into the chair, surprising Luke, who had been scribbling his response with his head almost touching the table.

He smiled when he saw her. It was a shy smile that confused her, because he had been so bold in his notes. But then, she supposed, people were bolder when they didn't have to face a person.

She suddenly wondered what his voice sounded like. She thought it would be deep and smooth like honey. Kind of like his eyes. His eyes were a deep blue and so smooth that they made her think of an ocean with no waves.

He opened his mouth, smile never faltering, yet still shy, and said, "Wow, you're even more beautiful in person."

His voice was deep but not too deep, and reminiscent of gravel. It wasn't at all what Mitchell had expected, but she decided that she liked this even better than anything she could have thought up.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Hi, Luke."

"And how is it fair that I can't know your name? Wait! - don't tell me, it's Melody, isn't it?"

Mitchell crossed her arms over her chest and reclined with a smirk, knowing he would never guess it.

"Megan? Monica. Marley! It's Marley," he said surely.

Mitchell scoffed in amusement. "Not even sure whether Marley is a girl's name."

Luke looked at her with large eyes and a jutted lip. He put his hands together and begged, "Please tell me what it is, please, it's been killing me!"

She rolled her eyes at him. "If you must, it's Mitchell."

He looked surprised. "Mitchell? Is that not a boy's name?" he asked, referring to her reaction to 'Marley.'

She snorted. "Touché, but I was trying to throw you off."

Luke sat back on the chair with his hands supporting his head behind him. He changed the subject. "Have you not noticed how much power you allow me to have over you?"

"What," she said, bothered by his sudden mood change, although it was only her mood that had changed, not his.

"I asked you a few days ago if we could meet and you said absolutely not, but today you were the one who came rushing to me." He wasn't saying it arrogantly, just pointing it out, but it didn't feel that way to Mitchell.

"That's because I didn't know who you were a few days ago!" she insisted.

"You still don't know who I am," he chuckled. "We just met."

"Oh you know what I mean," she snapped.

Mitchell couldn't let anyone have power over her, because she didn't want to become dependent on them. She had let it happen once and knew the outcome.

Because when you were dependent on a crutch and it fell out from underneath you, you fell down too. 

guys its been exactly 1 mo since ive updated this lol like legit the same day n everything i didnt plan this :') past 2 weeks hav been awful w midterms n everything but now tht im on break itll hopefully b easier!!! luv yall <3

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