[ seven ]

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[ seven ] 

Mitchell wasn't dumb. This time around, she would have a plan.

If "Lu" wasn't lying and he really did watch her as she replied, then she could do the same. This way, she'd know if he really was a serial killer or rapist or burglar or something along those lines.

She left the note she had written (this time she had brought spare paper so that she wouldn't have to rip anymore paper out of her beloved journal) on the table in the usual position, and walked over to the opposite side of the food court. There were no available seats on that side, but when a few guys got up from one table, she rushed to it quickly, making sure her eyes never left their table.

She gasped as her plan actually worked and she saw a boy walk up to the table, sit down, and pull the note from under the condiments. She cursed as he sat in the seat facing opposite from her. She couldn't see his face, just his back, where she could see the muscles flex through his shirt as he wrote.

He soon wrote the response and slipped it back in its place, then got up and walked to somewhere where Mitchell could no longer see him. She told herself to be practical and wait for a minute, but she couldn't help but hurry over to the table before anyone else sat down.

She unfolded the paper so quickly that it almost ripped.

Dear stunning M,

Ouch. Your opening hurt. "Uses common sense too little"?

Well my loss of a friend means that I have an opening for the person who stands just next to me, and who knows? - that could be you.

Actually, we just passed each other. I smiled at you but you were too preoccupied with staring at the table and waiting for me to arrive. Nice plan, by the way. I think it worked.

Julie Andrews is sort of seventy-five years old, last time I checked. You're gorgeous and breathtaking and adorable and stunning and lovely and beautiful and cunning and funny and everything in between. So far those are among the only adjectives I can use in this conversation, but hopefully I'll add more to the list soon :)

Are you flirting with me, M? I assumed you were straight, but you making it particularly clear to me is making me wonder.

If I may ask, why do you cut yourself? :)

With adoration,


PS I suppose you can guess my name by now :)

PPS I may be a dork but you're flawless. (I can add that one to the list for sure.) 

when its been a month since i last updated im so lmao


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