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I've hated school my whole life. Hated the smell of books and notebook paper. The sound of lockers and bells ringing. The sight of cute boys that would never be interested in me. I just hate it all.

On to the real reason i'm talking about school. Today, yes today is my very first day at college. I know right college equal freedom, sexy mature boys, alcohol, and parties.But me being me, I still hate it.

My name is Candie Jones and I am 19 years old and since I just got to this state and school, I don't know anybody here. From what my Schedule states in stay in dorm building C, I also have a roommate her name is Joyce McDonald.

Im walking down the halls and looking for my classes so that i wont be completely lost tomorrow when our school year offically starts.

I find my anatomy class first, then I find the next classes that are close. The halls are empty with the exception of a few professors walking room to room. It smells like clean in this school which is a good change from any other school i went to.

Finally finding all my classes for the semester I go to check out my dorm.

I drive my white Toyota Camry that is loaded with stuff like food, clothes, and shoes. As i drive up to my dorm complex I spot mad dudes and hoochie rats hanging around, sitting in chairs and dancing to music. I shake my head and park in the spot that was assigned to me. I get out my car and lock my doors. People are looking at me already, which is making me nervous.

I get out my car and endore the stares. I fiddle with my keys while walking up the stairs to my dorm room. These dorms looked different more like motel rooms or apartments. They were outside instead of being inside. When I opened the door and walked in I saw who I'm guessing is my roommate, Joyce. She was a very pretty girl, she kinda looked like Jordan Sparks when she lost all of her weight. Slim but still had curves that stuck out and thick dark brown hair cut into a bob.

She jumped out the bed and stood up hen she heard me. "Hi, My name is Joyce but you can call me JoJo. You must be Candie. How are you?," she said with entusiam. "I'm fine how are you?" "I'm great thanks for asking love. Anyways do you have anyone to help you bring in your things,"she asked. "No why," I reply. "Well your gonna need help bringing in your stuff." "Oh Thanks for offering, if thats what you were doing but I wouldn't want to impose Joyce." She laughed and said," Call me JoJo and girl I'm not bout to be lugging no boxes, my boyfriend Chet and his boys gone bring that stuff in for you. Now he should be outside. Just tell him I said to help you." I muttered a thanks and went to go out side to find her boyfriend Chet.

Once i got downstairs the group of people had gotten bigger. I walked around just looking for him but after 5 minutes i figured i should just ask someone who or where he is. Then I saw the girl with some distressed jeans, a crop top with teal and purple butterflies on it, and the Grapes on. She had long jet black weave and a tattoo of a woman on her back. I tapped her and asked her if she knew where Chet was.

She looked at me and frowned. "What is you looking for him for? You better not be on that grimy shit because he is my girl JoJo's man. If i find out you tryna mess with him i will fuck you up,'" she said rolling her eyes and moving her hands. "Whoa baby girl I was just looking for him because Joyce wanted me to tell him to help bring my stuff up to our dorm room, so calm yo crazy ass down," I replied.

"Oh shit my bad girl. You must be Candie. I'm Nicki I'm sorry. Oh yea Chet right over here girl come on," she says in and apologetic voice. I follow her to where ever she is going and on the way she started to talk.

"My bad girl I'm just a little too over protective of my girls."

"Its ok I'm the same way about mine. Just a little toned down. So don't worry about it," I assured her.

"Thanks for understanding. Here go Chet."

We had walked up to a group of dudes. They all were decent in the looks department and was dressed nice. She had pointed to the one in the middle.

"Hey KiKi, who is this?" He asked.

"Oh hey my name is Candie.'

"JoJo's roommate?"

"Yea, but she told me to ask you if you and your boys could help me bring my stuff up to the room."

"Sure thang DeeDee ' I look at him with a smirk on my face and my eyebrows raised. "Its my thing, nicknames." He told me to bring my car around so they could unload it.

When the finished I told them how much I appreciated their help.

When I got back to my room I was so tired. I don't know what from because I didn't lift not one box,but I was tired as hell. I laid down and started to drift to sleep but then I heard a noise. I've been paranoid and jumpy my whole life so I jumped up to see if it was in the room. When I didn't seen anything I decided to just go and straighten up my stuff and hang up my clothes. I'm pretty sure there is going to be a party tonight but oh well I need to get settled in and get some sleep.

∆∆ NEXT DAY ∆∆

I wake up to my alarm ringing out of control. It is the most annoying sound I have ever heard in my life! And thats why I picked it. I hop out of bed and go to the showers in my little jelly flip flops and my shower caddy. When I got in the showers they were all full. I had to wait 20 minutes to get a shower, which I took that time to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was able to get a shower and was done lathering and rinsing my body with my rag and loofa I stepped out of the showers with a towel wrapped around my plump body. I walk back to my room and slip on some underwear and a bra then lotion up my skin. JoJo was still sleep from when she came in at like 2 in the morning. I throw on a PINK tank some jeans a cardigan and my Gamma 11's. I grabbed my body spray and book bag purse and keys and headed to my first hour class Anatomy.

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