Talking with RedPixie

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Today's talented interviewee is RedPixie, the author of Ghosting Around, The Dragon Princess of Albia and The Light of the Theif. She writes excellent fantasy, romance novels with a beautiful and descriptive style that will leave you desperate to know more.


1. What is the first story you have ever written?

The first story? Hmm...I can't exactly remember the name of it, but I wrote it in year three. It was about a group of friends travelling to the centre of the world, I even did illustrations!

2. How did you come up with the plot line for Ghosting Around?

It sort of just came to me, the whole world of fantasy interests me and I really wanted to write something about ghosts, but keep a light/friendly atmosphere. Hence, why I tried to make it funny by including bickering between the two main characters. But other than that, it was a piece of spontaneous writing, I didn't have a specific plan for it, I just sort of wrote it as I went.

3. Do you plan to make writing your full time occupation or is it more of a hobby?

I would really love to become a writer and pursue it as my career. But, I am still open to keeping it as a part-time job to get myself known and see if I can really make it in the world of writing and then take it on full time.

4. How do you fix your writer's block?

Usually I just push through it and write. Then, when I come back to my story later, I'll look over what I've written and tweak it, so that I am happy with it. But, if that fails I'll read other books, talk to people to get my mind off it, or just do something else.

5. What styles and genres of writing do you prefer?

I love to write fantasy, mystery and romance. Mythical creatures intrigue me, as does a great mystery story, but I've always loved romance. When I can include all of these genres in one story, I just love what I can create, it just flows naturally.

6. What is your favourite Wattpad novel?

My favourite? That's a hard one. I don't think I could really choose a particular one; I really love all of the ones I have read!

7. What is your favourite published novel?

My favourite would have to be 'A Great and Terrible Beauty' by Libba Bray. It is a trilogy that I read a year or so ago, but I couldn't put it down, not even for a minute.

8. What do you hope Wattpad will be like for you this time next year?

I really hope that I will be more well-known. I want people to read my stories and like them so I can know if I can actually make it as a writer. 

9. Do you base any of your characters on real people?

Not really, sometimes when I need inspiration for the appearance of a character, I will look at the people around me or celebrities. However, the character's personalities' are purely from my imagination.

10. Where do you get your inspiration?

Other books, movies, dreams, people, music. I usually have really unique dreams which could be turned into quite interesting stories. Even sometimes when I am listening to music, I begin to plot out a story just from the emotions I feel from the song. It is sort of like background music in a movie. There are many sources of inspiration for me and this makes starting a story a lot easier.

11. What does writing mean to you?

It really means the world to me. I have a serious passion for writing and I just love to create worlds, characters and plots. I have always had a vivid imagination and a natural curiosity and this compels me to write and express my ideas and thoughts.

12. How did you discover Wattpad?

I was searching the internet for websites that you could post stories and have people read and comment on them and I found Wattpad, and I am so glad I did!

13. If you could live as a character in one of your stories, who would it be?

I would love to be Neva, from 'The Dragon Princess of Albia'. She is a headstrong, witty and powerful woman. She also has a gorgeous guy protecting her along the way, how could I complain about that?

14. Where is your favourite place to write?

My favourite place would be my bedroom. I always have a single candle lit and it is a place for me to escape the world and just write.


Thankyou so much for your time and we wish you the very best fortunes in your writing journey.

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