Jalen meets Ellen DeGeneres

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Jalen had an interview with the one the only Ellen DeGeneres Ellen could not believe that at his age he could do moves like some grownups can’t do yet.

First Ellen ask Jalen about his life

Jalen answered it ok

Ellen: you say that you like to look Fresh how do you look fresh?

Jalen: You have to put on clothes and shoes that matches with the clothes

Ellen: ohh so the clothes must match the clothes

Ellen: Do you have somebody special in your life, you dating anybody?

Jalen: (Sweeter voice) No

Then Jalen dance for Ellen and the audience in the studio

They where amaze because a little kid could never have done that only Jalen.

Ellen gave Jalen a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and Ellen also gave Jalen a Playstation as a gift for being at Ellen DeGeneres show.

If you want to know Jalen go to www.Jalentesterman.com

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