Chapter Eight

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My Demise

I awoke from what little sleep I had and got dressed, my door banged and banged I bit my lip; oh no they have found me out. I collected my thoughts up and calmed down abit then went to the door as I opened the police officer said that "there has been another murder; nobody is to be out of their houses after six o'clock until the killer is found". I said "thank you for letting me know officer I won't go out after that time". I closed my door leant against it my heart was beating ever so fast I wiped my brow saying "PHEW".

I was worried about what I would find at my work so I went to The Grocers at lunchtime and bought a Gazette and had a cup of tea at The Eateries. I then read the Gazette and it said the killer must have known the drunken man as he was stabbed several times before he was killed, I nervously looked around thinking there was eyes on me, I thought to myself get a grip woman.

So I put the Gazette in my bag and knowing I couldn't put it off any longer I went to my work where I put the clipping and gloves into my box under the counter. I couldn't hear anything form the back room so I opened the door Harry had died since I had left the day before blood was everywhere and a smell was coming from the body I knew I had to dispose of him but had to wait till it got dark.

I was going to clean up some of the blood but saw the police crossing over. If he had spoken to Mrs Dawson he would know I had spoken to my last victim so I closed the door to my fabric room as I did so I must have moved something as the blood coming out from under the door and started moving towards my feet I was beginning to get creeped out by it I hope he doesn't see my fear, the officer came in and said "I want to search your house Miss Hoolington" and he said "there's an officer outside so you don't leave until I come back". I knew I couldn't argue with him so I gave him my house key.

I replied "yes officer I will stay here". Oh how I wanted to get away from the blood. The police officer went to my house and looked around and saw a box shape under my bed where a box used to be and as he looked round the fire place he found a button down the side of it though it was half burnt he knew it belonged to one of the victims

When the officer came back he questioned me about the missing box shape I told him I had threw one out a while ago, he asked me "what was in it" I said "mementos from the past". He then said "if that's what they were why did you throw them out", I told him "I remembered a bad memory and in the heat of the moment I threw them out".

He then mentioned the half burnt button I told him "it must have broken off by accident when stoking up my fire". I could tell he didn't believe me , he also noticed I wouldn't move from where I was so he came closer and saw the blood on the ground so he called the other officer in to watch me, he then proceeded to open the door and found Harry he covered his mouth and nose from the smell at first.

What I hadn't seen was that harry had made the word box with his finger as the officer started to stand up removing his hand from his face he saw the box under the counter and took it out then he opened it and found out that I was the killer I wish harry hadn't worked it out the officer took me away as I walked up the road I could hear people whispering about me saying "I'd have never thought it was her".

I was sentenced to be hanged the next morning, I refused to eat that night and as the rope was put over my neck I was asked if I had anything to say I replied "yes sir" and I then said "Harry didn't deserve to die for that I am sorry but all the heartless people are gone now the village is safe once more", then the trap door was released and as I dropped I swung a little forward and back as my neck was broken. After I died and my lifeless body swung back and forth I was taken down and laid in a hole and covered with dirt. A stone was put over it saying "The Village Killer" and under that was "Eight Victims". Strange to believe though is that people have put flowers at my grave every year that passes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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