Chapter Six

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Victim Five and Six

I was awoken early with police whistles going up the street towards The Manor, I made myself a cup of tea and got dressed, then headed to my work people were full of fear as they were talking about The Manor and Mr. Granger, Mr. Burns was speaking to Harry saying "that poor stable hand he fainted at the sight of him". Harry looked at me as I walked past him and towards my work.

I opened up and started to sow buttons onto some shirts while waiting for The Gazette to arrive, As I was going to head to The Grocers Harry came in and said "your fabric has been held up it will be here tomorrow". I said "that's okay and thank you for letting me know" "my pleasue" he said and smiled.

He handed me a copy of The Gazette while saying "why haven't they caught the killer yet" I replied "I don't know" and thanked him for saving me a trip to the shop he said "you're welcome". I was thinking to myself it's so good that I'm getting away with the murders.

I gave Harry the money for The Gazette and he left he refused to take it ever the gentleman. As I read it the headline said " A Message Inside" police are still baffled to who is doing the murders, it also read the stable hand found him by accident as he was putting straw down for the horses and as he put his pitch fork into the straw he hit something hard, and when he moved the straw away he found Mr. Granger he nearly passed out at the sight, I know I shouldn't have found it funny but I did.

I put the Gazette in my bag and went back to my work the day seemed to drag on and I was starting to like killing people it's like I had an itch I needed to scratch. At going home time I remembered Mr. Shelby was mean't to bring me money for the stock I gave him so I walked up towards The Cobblers and walked in.

Mr. Shelby started with his gift of the gab saying "I can't pay you today business has been slow what with the murders an all I will pay you as soon as I can", but I saw in his eyes that he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes anger filled my head as I clenched my fist.

So I moved closer to him and pretended to fall for his words, then I took out my scissors from my pocket and plunged them into his neck, he fell over the counter so I had to pull him to the floor he wasn't to heavy thankfully, I then took my scissors out of his neck and opened his skin up and yanked his heart out from under his ribs while it was still beating i squeezed it and then put it in his hand.

After I stitched his skin back up I opened his mouth and put in the word LIAR as i was closing his mouth his wife walked in just as she was about to scream I threw my scissors and they entered her mouth and out the back of her head she daftly pulled them out blood sprayed everywhere even down her chin. I had hoped to ldave her out of it.

As she tried to charge towards me i moved the carpet and she fell to the ground and choked on her own blood. I decided to sow her hand up with her husbands it took some time and as they held hands I also sowed her eyes closed and put the words she almost got me on her clothes, I took the money from the till and I then walked out the back door, down the alley and back to my house so I wouldn't be seen.

I got cleaned up and burned my clothes in the fire I also cleaned up my scissors and needle I must admit i felt sick as I had nearly been caught so i went to bed after a shot or two of whisky. Then I put the money and clipping from The Gazette in my box and went to sleep.

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