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"Sam how would you like to move to hawaii?" Dad asked while drinking the fould coffee."Yes yes and yes!" Sam shouted dribbling milk down his chin."But there is one problem.We cant ship pets over seas." "Well we can get a new pet once we move down!" Sam said. I couldnt believe he would just leave me!But in a week they were gone.Just left me inside and drove off.Five days went by and they didnt return.I was starving.So i pawed at the cabinet, it opened with a small creak.Inside was a cat sized gray black furry thing inside that hissed at me making me jump slamming shut the cabinet.Now my only hope was the fridge.I bit the edge and walked backward. It opened and luckily it was still packed.I grabbed a pack of steak and ripped of the seran wrap.I ate it thankfully.I went to the bathroom and drank some water from the toilet.With a full stomach i curled up onto the couch and went to sleep.I dreamt of the floating circles wich i now knew were called bubbles.I woke up in the pound truck with a choclate female lab.

A Stray Dogs Dog DaysWhere stories live. Discover now