5. Surprise arrival

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(Smokescreen's POV)

After most of the pain had stopped, I was too exhausted to do anything but fall into a deep recharge. I have no idea what just happened. I hope old grumpy pants finds it out for me. 


I was once again a sparkling and was sitting in my carriers lap. My siblings were in their berthroom, practising fighting moves but ending up wrestling each other. My sire was out, considering he was the leader of the Elite Guard. "Carrier?" I asked, looking up. My carrier was a light blue in color with purple details.

"What is it Smokescreen?"

My carrier had the voice of an angel, mainly because she was. My carrier's carrier was the daughter of Primus. Basically, my grand carrier was the daughter of Primus.

"Can I be a warrior one day and fight beside Optimus Prime?" That was my life plan. To become a great warrior and fight beside the great Optimus Prime. And it happened, but not the way I envisioned it would happen.

"Maybe when you grow up a bit more dear. You're too young to fight now! But I promise you this Smokey, as soon as your old enough I will get your site to join you to the Elite Guard."

That one word made me happy. The nickname my carrier gave me. Smokey. Then the world started crumbling around me. I clung to my carrier in fear of losing her.

"NO! CARRIER!" Was all I was able to say before I woke up, my optics snapping open and I shot up, venting hard. I looked around and noticed where I was. I was in the Autobot base. On one of Ratchet's medical berths.

I bring my knee plates up to my chassis and start to cry again. This happens every year. I miss my carrier, my sire and siblings. I wanna see them again. But my parents offlined and my siblings went into stasis pods, going anywhere in the universe. I hope they're okay... Wherever they are.

~~Next day~~

Ratchet came in and was surprised to see me awake. I can't be surprised really, considering I was awake for most of the night, trying to escape the nightmares that want to awaken me with fright.

"Good morning Smokescreen. How was you recharge?" He asked me this as if my recharge was peaceful. I couldn't lie to him so I vented and told the truth.

"To be honest Ratch, I barely recharged. I always get plagued with dreams about my family which turn into nightmares ever since I got the pain in my spark."

Ratchet looked shocked when I said this. I saw in his optics that he knew something about this. "Smokescreen." He started. I nodded and listened. "The reason you got all that pain in your spark I realized, is because your sparkbond with your siblings is back."

I stared at him, optics wide. "You don't mean-" I was speechless. My siblings, back? I thought they got sent somewhere else! I probably zoned out, because when I came back to my senses Ratchet was waving his servo in front of my faceplates.

The only thing that was going through my processor was 'I need to find them and make sure they're okay'. Ratchet apparently read my mind and stopped me. "Yip yip yip! You are not going anywhere until I clear you!" I vented and laid back down.

When doc bot had finished checking me, the alarms went off and the rest of the team came running in. "It's an Autobot life signal. I will set the coordinates." I couldn't wait and transformed ready to go. As soon as Ratchet had typed in the coordinates and opened the groundbridge, I drove through before the others had a chance to stop me.

As I arrived on the other side, I gasped and fell to me kneeplates. The others came through after and just stood there. An Autobot femme shakily stood on her peds, with a small gash in her left shoulderplate. She was the same size as me, and similar detailing just different coloring and numbers on her door wings. A female child about Miko's age was standing next to her. She had black hair and was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt with Jeans and Nike shoes but I didn't take too much notice of her. I was too focused on the femme.

When I spoke my voice was shaking. "SmokeRider?" The femme turned around at the sound of her name with a confused look on her faceplates until her optics locked with mine. Team Prime just stood there and watched.

SmokeRider's faceplate lit up when she recognized me. She recognized me! "Smokescreen!" She yelled before running to me and gave me a hug I would only expect from Bulk.

"Rider! You give hugs like Bulk does! Aka: YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I had to yell the last part so Rider would stop crushing me in her hug like Bulk does.

"Am I not allowed to hug my little bro after so long apart?" Then the girl spoke up. But it was in a different language which us bots didn't understand. Then Rider vented and talked to her in the same language. But this time I understood because Rider sent some language-translator thingy to me through the bond. 

"Hazel, you know I was telling you I had a li'l bro called Smokescreen?" The girl nodded while I watched. "This mech here is Smokescreen. Smokey as our family calls him. Makes him bush which is funny as scrap." I growl in annoyance while a bright blue energon blush appears on my faceplates. "See? Anyways, our family have been split up for eons, as I said. But now we're finally getting back together. And I can tell Nighty is near. You know what that means?" This question she asked the girl and me. I gasp.

"You missing sister is back. So is yours Smokescreen." A smile appears on my faceplates and Rider gives me a comforting hug. Then Rider introduces us to her friend. "Smokey and his team, this is my friend Hazel Baker. She was the one who fixed me up after I crashed. She knows robotics because her guardian was also an Autobot before he was killed by Decepticons. Unfortunately, she only speaks Spanish so I doubt any of you understand her." Prime, Arcee, Bee and Bulk all shake their helms as Hazel waves.

"My parents died when I was young then one of your Autobot comrades took me in and protected me. Just two weeks ago, he was killed. Yesterday, I met Smoke. Today, I meet all of you!" She said the last bit with enthusiasm. I chuckle and translate for the bots before surprise tackling Rider with a hug just as tight as she gave me. She quickly ran out of breath and pushes me away.

"The mech who said I give tight hugs just gave me the same hug but tighter! I missed you li'l Smokey." There it was again, the nickname my family gave me. Then the blush came back. Rider and Hazel just giggled before Rider hugs me again. Then we all left through the groundbridge.

Ratchet vented when we all came back unharmed with a new comrade until he saw Hazel. "Another human? Isn't five humans knowing about us bad enough?" He huffed, clearly annoyed. I stepped forward.

"Sorry to burst you bubble doc, but this human saved my sisters life, so lay off her or I'll be laying on top of you." I Threatened. I didn't usually do this, but Ratch was such a pain when new people learn about us. I mean, it's understandable that he's worried one might spill word about us by accident, but Hazel saved Riders life! How could he under-respect that?

"Watch your tone Smokescreen. For it was this Doc which saves your pathetic life many times. So don't you threaten me because I can easily refuse to fix you next time you're injured. As far as I'm concerned, your just a childish youngling who thinks way too much of himself." I just snapped. He just crossed a line he shouldn't have. I growled baring my dentas. The others backed off, Rider and Optimus included. But my focus was on Ratch. My servos balled up into fists beside me before changing into my blades and my optics flickered colors. Ratchets faceplates had a scared and apologetic look on them. 'Too late' I thought before lunging at him, my mind and frame taken over by hatred. 

 A friend of mine called NightLight: Ohh what's gonna happen next?

NightLight?!? What are you doing here?

NightLight: I wanted to join in... D:

Fine. Just don't interrupt in the middle of the story. K?

NightLight: K Nighty.


NightLight: What?

You just gave my identity away!

NightLight: oops... My bad.

Now I've been found. Great. Yes, I am Smokescreen and SmokeRider's sister DarkNight. Well... I'm known by many names and that happens to be one of them so technically yes, I basically am the middle-aged sister. 

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