Chapter 25 - Survive

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Kat was waking up slowly: she hadn't slept so much for weeks, maybe months, and finally she had a little time to really recover. For now, things were going well for her: she had food, not much, but it was enough for a few days, water, a bed, a house, weapons, and even an emergency hiding place.
I could also get used to all these comforts, I will not be served and revered but at least I don't have to give an account to anyone. Now I just have to do something to spend the time and maybe in a few days I will go to look for food.
I could fix this house a little and clean it... Since I could also stay here for a while.

If Kat had really decided to stay there for a long time she would certainly have had to do many other things but for now it was enough for her to do the little that forced her not to think about Negan and the Saviors.

On the other hand she was sure that Negan's men were looking far and wide and it was indeed like that: not far from her house there were at least three patrols who were checking all the houses. Negan had been the first to realize that Kat was gone: the next morning he got up, no one had gone to wake him up and out of his room there were no guards to watch him, so he went directly to Kat's room, opening the door violently and finding it inexorably empty.

Fuck. Fuck! Shit! But where the hell did she go? She just has to hope to have hidden in the toilet... Otherwise...

The bathroom door also opened wide, but that was empty too. A part of him hoped to find her there, the other hoped not because he didn't know if he would have been able to restrain himself.

Fuck, and now what the fuck do I do? Crap. She escaped.

Negan thought for a moment what he should do: everyone else believed her in the cell, so he would have to create a pretext. He went to the cell and saw that it was not guarded, so he opened it. Then he returned to his room to get Lucille, returned from the cell again and when he was there he shouted: <Simooon!!>.

Simon arrived shortly afterwards, and seeing the cell open, he imagined what was about to happen.

<Shit.. um boss ... Where did that bitch go?> Simon asked, showing himself hard.

As soon as he finished the sentence, Negan grabbed him by the neck: <Don't you dare to call...- he was about to get something out that would have further confirmed Simon's suspicions - Don't you dare 'cause you don't ask me the things your men should say to me!> growled Negan.

<How the fuck do I know where she went if your men were not watching her? You're a bunch of useless fucking idiots... But it ends here. Call your men immediately, see you in a minute by the gate> Negan released his grip and walked away from Simon <and don't keep me waiting Simon... Or someone will pay the consequences>.

Simon was sure that soon thereafter someone would have been punished, guilty or not, he just hoped not to be him. He rubbed a hand over his neck, his skin was burning and flushed because of the unfriendly grip he had just received. So he hurried to gather his men and put them on high alert.

In the meantime, Negan had already arrived a long way by the gate and had had time to make some reflections.

She certainly run away at night, so she will have an advantage of a few hours at most. It shouldn't be hard to find her... even if she's smart and my men are idiots.
What if I found her? What should I do with her? An example? It would be a pity, what a waste... But then rules are made to be respected and if I let go, we would be in shit.

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