Chapter 12: Videogames

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Titia POV 

Cheers and screams sounded around me as men walked proudly yet solemnly ack into the city. Flags raised and food and drink handed out to the tired soliders as me and my children stand awaiting the arrival of the only solider who matters to us at the minute. Red and gold lines the streets and it was such a joyous occasion, the sheer amount of people lining the Main Street leading to the colosseum where the soliders would deposit their armour for the time whilst they rested and recovered before celebrating with their family that they survived and they were victorious in their latest conquest. 

"Where is Papa, Mama?" I heard my eldest child, Elvorix, shout over the crowd of celebrating people who sobbed in relief and grief. Looking down at my child I saw the worry and anguish that covered her face. Every time her father would go to war and wasn't at the front of the march back to camp she would grow worried that he wasn't returning at all, but he is going to he always does. 

"Your Papa is probably helping some injured soliders, sweetheart" I told the panicked girl and she smiled softly nodding her head at my statement, it was very much most likely true since it had happened before on more than one occasion. I did find it odd however that this far there was no sign of Camillus who was always at the front of the march, What with being the emperor and all, but he seemed to be missing which put me on edge but the joy of being able to see my husband and brother-in-law won out and I just waited in anticipation with Baebia in my arms for Camillus and Jeremy to come into view. 

As we waited I grew more impatient until the familiar mop of brown nearly black hair came into view. Elvorix must have spotted it aswell as she started jumping up and down waving her arms about like a wild animal. Nobody moved fast enough as we waited semi-patiently near the entrance to the colosseum where me, my husband and children had spent so much time. 

"Camillus your home, Thank the gods!!" I shouted to my brother in law as he finally came within reach. Me and the children engulfed the man in a huge hug since he was family. He himself didn't have a wife due to her dying giving birth to there child, Nero. Nero though was too young to be here without a parent and I already had my own 5 children to care for so he was inside the colosseum until Camillus went to go see him and care for him. 

"Where Papa?" Asked Mamercus and when letting go to be able to hear his reaction I didn't expect to see what I did upon Camillus' face.

 Along with the usual blood, dirt and bruising that came along with a battle I also saw the most haunting of things I believe I ever would, espeacially coming from Camillus and the topic at hand. I saw grief. Utter and pure sorrow that made the powerful emperors walls crumble as his eyes filled with tears that softly fell to his cheeks carving out a path within the grime. The pained way his lips twitched and his mouth opened as he tried to find the words even though no words could describe the loss that we all feel. 

"Where Papa?" Repeated Mamercus as his naive mind couldn't understand the expressions me and his uncle were pulling. I handed Baebia to Camillus who accepted the baby with open arms and I went to embrace my other children as I started to sob loudly. 

The world crumbled around me and the once too loud cheers fell deaf as everything was blocked out. The only thing I was aware of was the feel of my children safe in my arms, the one thing I had left to hold onto of him. 

All that was left of Jeremy was his children. His legacy. 

Whom I had to protect, with all my heart. The children crying on my shoulder and into my hair were all I had to remind me of my world.

But they have become my world now. They are all I have left besides Camillus. Me and Camillus would surely struggle to raise 6 children but we had to do it. 

For him. 

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