Six Flags

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The Next Morning 

Char came down skipping followed by Prince .

"Well you seem happy"-You said 

"Yep"-Char smiled then looked at Prince 

"Ooh"-Jade winked at both Prince and Char 

"Amazing night it was"-Prince winked at Char as he wrapped his arms around her waist 

"I'm guessing y'all back together ?"-You asked 

"Well no .."-Char said 

"Not yet she means"-Prince grinned 

"Haha whatever ... Let's say friends with benefits"-Char said 

"Awww"-You and Jade cooed 

"Yeah"-They both said 

"Yo yo yo !"-Ray and Chres bust into the kitchen shouting 

"Aye it's kinda early for all of that shouting & Kayla is still sleeping sooo hush"-You rolled your eyes at Ray and Chres 

"Girl who you rolling yo eyes at ?"-Chres asked wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your neck 

"You and nigga get off me"-You pushed him off you 

"But look at that ass gotdamn mmm"-Chres grabbed your butt 

"Oh wow"-You said 

"Y'all gonna end up making another baby "-Ray said giving Jade a kiss on her cheek

"Hell nah ion need another one . This is already stress you know"-You said 

"Mhmmm"-Everyone said 

"What ?"-You asked 

"Nothing"-Everyone said 

"Good morning mommy"-Jayden said walking into the kitchen 

"Hey"-You gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Wassup little man"-Chres said rubbing Jayden's head 

"Hey dad"-Jayden smiled 

"What so you aint gonna say hi to your favorite uncle huh ?"-Ray said 

"Morning uncle Ray "-Jayden grinned 

"Nah nah nah hol' up . I'm his favorite uncle"-Prince said 

"Morning uncle Prince and well I don't know who is my favorite . I like yall equally"-Jayden said 

"Obviously it's me"-Ray said 

"Nahh bruh"-Prince said 

"ANYWAYS"-You said 

"Wheres Sierra ?"-Chres asked 

"In her room talking to someone on the phone I think it's her friend"-Jayden shrugged his shoulders

"Okay but tell her that breakfast is almost finished"-You said 

"Okay mom . Dad can I start soccer at school ? My friends say that it's fun and I wanna start it"-Jayden said 

"Yeah sure . I think it's time you started to do sports but if you don't like it or wanna stop just tell me or mommy and we can go to your school"-Chres said 

"Yessss ! Thanks dad"-Jayden cheered 

"Haha no prob"-Chres said 

"Morning auntie Jade"-Jayden waved 

"Hey munchkin "-Jade smiled 

"Thats auntie Char"-You said 

"Hey auntie Char"-Jayden waved 

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