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"Uhh, what do you mean?"-You asked 

"I just don't trust him"-Chres said 

"But when I met him, he seemed like a gentleman Chres"-You said 

"No forreal"-Chres said seriously 

"You're just being a protective big brother"-You laughed 

"No i'm being serious"-Chres said 

"Well why would you think that ?"-You asked walking into the built in bathroom while Chres followed 

"Well why is Angel with him 24/7 like that's not even normal . I think that he's just using her tbh"-Chres said 

"Or maybe the just love to hang out with each other alot ?"-You said 

"Hmmm"-Chres said before walking out 

"I really don't know why you don't like this Jason boy"-You said 

"Still I don't trust him"-Chres said 

"But you have to remember if Angel was in trouble or not safe she would come to us so I think that she is okay"-You said walking out 

"I guess"-Chres frowned 

"Exactly, you're just being an over protective big brother"-You smiled 

"Hahaha yeah"-Chres lightened up 

Angel's P.O.V 

"So what are we gonna do today ?"-Angel asked Jason 

"Imma need to sell some more stuff for me"-Jason said 

".. I uhh .. I don't wanna"-Angel said in a low voice 

"What ?!"-Jason's tone got higher 

"I don't feel comfortable doing this"-Angel sighed

"Come on . If you really loved me then you would do this for me"-Jason said cupping your face 

"You know that I love you"-Angel said looking down 

"So you will do this for me ?"-Jason asked 

".... Sure"-Angel fake smiled 

"Great . Thats my girl"-Jason kissed Angel 

"Yeah"-Angel said 

"Remember you can't tell nobody what we are doing . Nobody can't know who we are"-Jason rememinded Angel

"Yeah, I know"-Angel rolled her eyes 

"Aye what's with the attitude ?"-Jason asked 

"Nothing"-Angel said before helping him 

"Great now that's all done we just have to go . Today is a Friday so more people will want more stuff"-Jason said 

"Yeah I know"-Angel said with attitude 

"Quit the attitude Angel"-Jason said looking at Angel 

"Whatever"-Angel said walking past him 

"Well wait up"-Jason said catching up with Angel 

"Where are we gonna go then ?"-Angel huffed and folding her arms 

"We're gonna go down to the south today so we're gonna get back kinda late"-Jason said stuffing the drugs, weed and alcohol in the back of the car 

"Ohh"-Angel said 

"Yeah come on let's go"-Jason said getting in the drivers seat

"Okay"-Angel said and hopped in 

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now