Wicked Games

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"What the fuck ! "- You exlaimed 

"Yeah, I really don't know whats been going on but it really needs to stop"-Chres said 

"I told you that we was being followed Chresanto ! You never listen !"-You said storming out 

"What was that all about ?"-Char asked 

" Someone is stalking Yn and if Yn doesn't stay away from me , vice versa, the person will kill Yn .... "-Chres said 

"Damn .. Well who do you think it might be ?"-Char asked 

"I really don't know"-Chres shrugged 

 "So all your gonna do is shrug ? You aint gonna do nothing about this ?"-Char asked 

"Please don't start with me too"-Chres said 

"I aint tryna start anything but it's just that I'm saying .. You really need to look after and protect Yn if you don't want her killed like what that text read"-Char said then leaving Chres there in the room 

Later On That Night ..

"Everyone here ??"-Ray reassured 

"Yes"-Everyone said 

"Why aren't you sitting next to Prince, Char ?"-Ray asked 

"Cause I don't want to .. Problem ?"-Char rolled her eyes 

"Maybe it's her time of the month"-Ray joked around making all the boys laugh 

"Yall are all sick in the head"-You said referring to the boys 


"Bae calm down .. We got the time"-Prod said putting his arm around her 

"Whatever"-Kim said 

Everyone got quiet then Prince put the movie in (Paranormal Activity 4) . 

"Tf this shit aint even scary"-Ray said really loudly 

"SHHHH !"-Everyone said 

"Char, you okay ?"-Prince whispered 

Char looked over to him then rolled her eyes and went back to the movie 

"Ugh, fuck !"-Prince exclaimed in a loud whisper 

"You okay?"-Kim asked 

"Yeah I'm good"-Prince smiled 

"Okay"-Kim smiled then went back to watching the movie 

"Pass that popcorn, fatass"-Ray said snatching the popcorn from Prod 

"Leave him he aint fat!"-Kim said defending Prod 

"If he ain't then you are"-Ray smirked 

"Aye don't talk bout my girl like that"-Prod said 

"Aye SHUT THE FUCK UP"-You shouted 

"NO YOU SHUT UP!"-Everyone said 

"No seriously ... Can you hear that?"-You asked 

"What ?"-Chresanto asked confused 

"Shhh .. Pause the movie"-You said 

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