Heavy Hearted

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"Chyna ?"-Chres asked in disbelief 

"Thats right"-Chyna stepped in smiring 

"Wha- Bu- What?"-Chres asked confused 

"Cat got your tongue I see"-Chyna winked at him 

"Whats going on ?"-You asked a little worried 

"Oh poor little Yn ."-Chyna chuckled 

"She's confused as a lost puppy"-Bree pouted 

"Haha well let us explain"-Chyna said 

"Yes please"-Chresanto said seriously 

"Who do you think has been sending you all theses creepy text messages? "-Chyna smirked 

"WHAT?!"-You screamed 

"Hahahahaha oh it was soo fun to mess with you but thats not what we came for"-Chyna said 

"Hol' up .... So y'all are the people who shot my boyfriend in the leg ?"-Jade asked getting mad asf 

"Well see, that was a mistake . Yeahh the boys got the wrong target"-Chyna smiled 

"Well who were theysupposed to hget ?"-Kim asked including herself 

"Yn"-Chyna pointing to you

"W-what ? What the hell . What did I do to you ? Why do you want me killed ?"-You asked in disbelief 

" You stole that one person from me"-Chyna said 

"What ?"-You asked confused 

"Chresanto . You stole him from me"-Chyna rolled her eyes . The whole room got quiet & Char walked in 

"What tf is going on here ?"-Char asked 

"Listen, I didn't steal Chres from you . You notice, he actually left you for me . It's not my fault that he left you for me"-You shook your head 

"Oh really ? Anyways, I'm here to claim what is rightfully mine"-Chyna smirked and walking up to Chres 

"Bu- But .. I don't want you"-Chres said pushing Chyna away 

"Ughhh !!"-You screamed then went into the bedroom 

"YN WAIT !"-Chres said trying to break free of Chyna's grip 

"Hol' up hol' up "-Prod said pushing past everyone 

"Yes ?"-Chyna asked with attitude 

"When tf are you going to realize that they are hapily married and they do not need you in their lives messing up shit ?"-Prod asked in all seriousness

"Married man I see . You gonna need to sign some divorce paper then"-Chyna smirked 

"NO ! NO ! STOP . I really do not like you . Are you seeing what you are actually doing ?"-Chres asked 

"Yes, I'm trying to get something that I plead"-Chyna said 

"NO . If you wanna see me happy, LEAVE ME AND YN ALONE !"-Chres barked at Chyna then walking away shaking his head 

"Whatever . Come on Bree"-Chyna said to Bree then they left. 

"Damn ..."-Was all Jade said 

"I know right"-Prod agreed

"I've never seen him so mad like that"-Prince said 

"He needs some time with Yn I think."-Kim said 

"Yeah"-Everyone else agreed 

Yn's P.O.V 

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