Whats Yours

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If you try to steal my show,

Ima take a step back and let you blow,

If you got something to say,

Better take a step back and get ready to pay,

Cause your not ready for this life,

And bitch I'm the one holding a knife.

Don't be stupid,

Think before you do it,

Open your arms embrace your life,

Don't end it by a knife,

Go live your daydreams,

Make new memories,

But don't fuck with whats mine,

That crosses my only line.

If you try to steal my girl,

Ima fuck you up for sure,

If you think you got a shot,

Better go ahead and buy a plot,

Cause I'm gonna end your life,

Bitch I'm the one holding a knife.

Don't be stupid,

Think before you do it,

Open your arms embrace your life,

Don't end it by a knife,

Go live your daydreams,

Make new memories,

But don't fuck with whats mine,

That crosses my only line.

If you try to steal my money,

Ima think your pretty fucking funny,

If you think you can get away with it,

Bitch get ready to get slit,

cause you stole whats mine,

Those are personal crimes,

Im gonna end your life,

Im the one holding a knife.

I said don't be stupid,

I told you think before you do it,

I said open your arms embrace your life,

I told you not to end it by a knife,

I said go live your daydreams,

I told you make new memories,

I said don't fuck with whats mine,

I told you that crosses my only line.

And bitch you didn't listen,

I know your gonna go missing,

Ima end your life,

Ima do it with this knife,

But what the fuck am I doing,

Your so scared that your pissing,

I don't have to do this,

This was a pretty close miss.

If you try to steal my show,

Ima take a step back and let you blow,

If you try to steal my girl,

Ima fuck you up for sure,

If you try to steal my money,

Ima think your pretty fucking funny,

But I'll still have it all,

You give me no reason to fall,

You can try to take it,

But ain't nobody gonna buy it,

Because theres only one me,

And I'm the one thats truly free.

Don't be stupid,

Think before you do it,

Open your arms embrace your life,

Don't end it by a knife,

Go live your daydreams,

Make new memories,

Don't fuck with whats not yours,

That'll screw you up for sure,

Open your arms embrace your life,

Don't end it by a knife,

That'll fuck you up for sure,

Don't screw with whats not yours.

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