Song 34: No Matter

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I'm not sure about this girl,

Saying all she needs is herself,

I don't think I'd take a pill,

Even if it was to please Avicii,

I think,

I'd have fallen asleep,

If it was a quarter past one,

Though I have to say,

I wouldn't mind having,

This day,

Everyday being the best day of my life,

Every song needs to come from the heart,

Not the head,

You can't know for sure,

No matter what you do,

How people will react to your songs,

All you can do,

Is put them out there,

Ignore the haters,

Know it's your turn,

To be,

Not an american author,

But an author for all,

For all to see,

For all to do what they will with,

You can't stop what is said,

But you can stop what is done,

Just let your skies be blue,

And just say,

Who are you to judge?

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