Preliminary stages!

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Arnav POV

I know Khushi Kumari Gupta your mind will be in extreme confusion right now but I cannot help it. You are a drug to me. You are like my own brand of heroine. The day you asked me to be your pretend husband something snapped inside me. I have an addiction to be near you. The need to be surrounded by your presence is very intense.
I did not plan to bare my feelings for you so soon. However, that Rohit triggered immense jealousy within me. Who could have imagined that ASR would be jealous?? But the green monster can take you over anytime anywhere unexpectedly.

This still does not mean that I am in love or anything. Love is not meant for people like me. My past haunts me every minute of everyday. It has made me what I am today. Ruthless and full of arrogance. I cannot let go of it. Its impossible. However I cannot deny the fact that Khushi gives me a sense of peace. When I am with her I dont feel the need to think about the yester-years darkness. She is like my blanket of safety.

"Chotte I am trying to get your attention from past 5 minutes. Where are you lost?"
Di asked me bringing me back from my thoughts.

I failed to realize that Di was here in my room. While I was pretending to work on my laptop. My day dreams of Khushi have become too much now.

"Nothing Di. I am just thinking about work. Dont worry." I tried to satisfy her.

"You think I dont know you that well? Fine. Dont tell me. I get it. But if you feel the need to share anything I am here. Always." She said with a kiss on my forehead.

Her love and affection has been the only thing that keeps me going. My strength to fight out any sort of battle against this cruel world. My Di.
"I know Di. I know you are always there. Thank you."

"Well now that we are done with the emotional stuff lets talk for a while. And put this laptop of yours away. You are sitting in your room right now. Not in your office. Please relax for a while."
Di ordered me. And as usual I did not have the heart to deny her.

"Okay Di. Tell me. What is it?" I asked patiently.

"Chotte you do know about the girl Akaash is dating right? He told me about his Payalji before leaving for his Mumbai trip. He also informed me that you have already been introduced to her. How is she? Tell me na?"
Oh so Akaash told Di as well. Great timing Akaash now Di will bother me with her questions about your love life.

"Di yes I have met her. Payal is a really nice girl. We did not talk much but she is pretty and quiet. She is the one who will be perfect for Akaash if that is what you are asking." I informed her.

"Hmmm. I wish he had introduced me to Payal as well. But this brother of mine is so shy I tell you. Anyways, Akaash has promised me that he will introduce his ladylove to the entire family around Teej. And I am so so happy."
Di said giving me a side hug. I patted her shoulder in return.

"Okay fine now stop with the hugs. You know I dont like all this. And its too late now you should go to sleep. I have to finish some work then I will sleep too. Goodnight." I said.

"Yes Boss. Whatever you want." Di said with a teasing smile and went away leaving me with my thoughts.

Khushi POV

Did I really say yes to the deal that Arnavji offered me? What have I done? Why did I accept his offer so easily Devi Maiyya? I know him for only 2 days and I agreed to be his.

My Husband of 5 minutes - Latoo Singh Raizada (CHARM AWARDEE)Where stories live. Discover now