Chapter Sixteen

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"Percy, come on, get up."

"Wha- Where are we?"

"We're almost back to camp."


"Yes. Percy, come on."

"I can't-"

"Yes you can. Now shut up and be still."

Luna was as stubborn as she was beautiful, and crazy smart. Surprisingly, she knew how to get Percy to shut up. Besides, Percy was exhausted. He faintly heard Chirons voice telling other campers what to do. The next time he could see anything, he saw a beautiful dark haired boy sitting by his bed in the infirmary. "You're gorgeous..." he murmured quietly. He thought he saw the dark haired boy blush. The next time he could think, however fuzzily, there was a blond boy leaning over him, checking his stats. "Where'd he go?"

The blond boy looked up. "Who?"

"The pretty boy..."

Working quickly, he finished. "You're loopy. Don't worry, you'll be better in a day or so."

"When's he coming back?"

"Goodnight, Percy."

Contrary to the blond boys words, Percy became more lucid as the night progressed, and realized that the blond boy was Will. and then he realized who the dark haired boy was. "Oh gods." He covered his mouth. He had called Nico gorgeous. And he didn't want to retract that statement. "Oh, gods."

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