Chapter Twelve

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   Later that night, listening to the sounds of Flames heavy breathing, Percy remembered how it had been before Flame and Luna. How the dark hole inside him had grown and grown, till he barely felt anything. The roar behind his eyes was the only thing he really heard. Annabeth hadn't noticed, because she had been obsessed with her Olympus project. To be fair, she didn't really notice anything during a project, especially one of this magnitude. His mom had been worried. When Percy had stopped showing up to school, and was found multiple times wandering around a park, she took him to a doctor. Ten minutes in, the doctor had his diagnosis. Percy was depressed. He remembered his mom sobbing, wondering how she hadn't noticed. All he had felt was relief. She had signed him up for group therapy, and although he protested, he did go. Luna was drawn to him, and Flame was laid-back and distant, but Percy had come to recognize if he was actually being distant, or if he was just thinking. He was usually thinking. Kind of like Nico. You could tell Nico was thinking by the way he was sitting, usually. If he was being distant, he looked really open. Straight (Or as straight as it could get) back, legs not curled or anything, hair sort of out of his face. He looked like he was listening, but he didn't actually think. He just said the thing that anyone would have said. His eyes were alive, and his legs were usually crossed if he was listening. His eyes were beautifully dark and deep and- Ugh. I haven't been sleeping enough. I'm finally free of camp! Why am I thinking about it right now? And about Nico? Definitely not enough sleep." he was used to thinking about Annabeth like this, but not Nico. Mumbling, Percy turned over and fell asleep.

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