18: Officially, Briana To Annice

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Briana's POV

There was silence in the house.

Rose stared at me, jaw hanging, with a look of utter shock and surprise, which made me even angrier with her for thinking that I could never love. Upstairs, there was no longer the sound of even Damon's breathing, let alone his casual steps around the room. Everyone had seemingly just froze.

"I'm in love with him, okay?" I said quietly, my voice betraying my fury with hints of darkness and despair.

My face was wet and I swiped hastily at my tears, turning back to grab the doorknob. Before my fingertips dared to brush its polished surface, a hand closed around my wrist. It was not Rose's. He put a finger under my chin and tried to tip my face up to look at him, but I jerked away stubbornly.

"Look at me, Briana," he murmured. And so I did.

Damon looked more pained than I'd ever seen him- and I'd seen him tortured by some of his worst enemies. His silvery blue eyes were glaring right through me, it seemed, trying to tear the deepest secrets right out of me with their gaze. I told myself I'd never seen a face more beautiful, and I meant it. But beauty be damned, for I'm sure no one will remember me for my beauty when I'm dead.

I'm dying, soon.

Suddenly I was so sick of... everything. My life that I'd unintentionally built here. I'd been looking for my one last kaboom before I left this world, my way to go out with a bang, and yet all I'd found was a way to leave a trail of broken hearts- including mine- and friends that I will never be around to forgive. I hated this new world, my name, these people, this century for manipulating me into this weak-minded creature who would be willing to be some golden-hearted noble bitch who would die for- for... what?!


"Not Briana," I hissed through clenched teeth, ripping open the door. "It's Annice."

And I stormed out into the night.

Damon's POV

I watched her go. I knew there was nothing I could do but watch and wait for the chance that she might look back. Rose had disappeared once more, and I regretted ever having gotten near her, let alone sleeping with her. What did it get me? A jealous Briana- no wait, Annice- and her dark, envious exclamation of her love for me. I would rather have her go back to being my one friend who still had the guts to play tricks behind my back.

I wanted to go back to when I was first a vampire, just after my twenty second birthday. I would've looked for her. I would've found Annice, searched all over the world for her. Or better yet, when I was in the Confederacy, I wouldn't have let her go after she kissed me. I would've held tight, even through Katherine and all her bitchy scheming.

Because that's what you do when you love somebody.

A shrill ring blared from my pocket. I jumped, finding that I had been staring at the door this entire- I checked the clock on the front screen of my phone- eight minutes since she ran out the door. Flipping the top and pressing it to my ear, Alaric's voice erupted in my skull.

"It's her, Damon," he hissed. There was a metallic click like the lock of a door.

"Who?" I snapped, irritated.

"Jules! The one we think is a werewolf!" His voice was dangerously low, like he was straining not to yell. "I'm in the Grill-"

"Of course you are," I muttered and opened the door, for some reason afraid that I would see her standing there. A scheme was forming in my mind. "Just stay there and act casual. I'll be there in a minute; I have a plan."

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