Fatal hairdo

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Something terrible happened to a 10 yr. old girl who had braids. The

little girl had been wearing her braids in a ponytail for the longest

and apparently the braids were old, at least 2 to 3 months old, and

the mother never took them down to wash them or let them air out or


Anyway, the girl had been complaining about having a headache for

approximately two weeks to her mother who just brushed it off, assuming

that she had hit her head against the wall or something. Well one

morning the child again complained to her mother about having a headache while getting ready for school.

Again the mother brushed her off. When the child got to school,

she told her teacher that her head was hurting. The teacher assumed that

the braids were too tight in the child's hair and attempted to let the

ponytail down.

When she removed the hair piece and let the braids loose, there was a spider in the childs hair.

The spider had laid eggs in the childs hair and the spiders were eating her scalp. The child was rushed to the hospital were she later died.

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