Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up early hours the next morning wasn't any better. I woke up at 6am and started my training by myself while the others slept. But what woke everyone up was Rafael being sent back to his cell. He told us he woke up in the medical room just as we thought. They sent him back to his cell when they thought he was fit enough to not be there anymore. He didn't looked fit enough to me, with his cuts and bruises. But then again when I saw Manuel he didn't either, I didn't see his fight yesterday but clearly he won, must have been a hard fight since he looked to beat up, two black eyes one was puffy yesterday which he told me about. He had a cut forehead and bruises up his right arm, chest and stomach.

I felt sorry for them both, but to keep everyone on having a somewhat decent morning we decided to have a chat. It didn't go to well we ended up talking about how each of us got abducted from our normal lives to be out in here. I shared my story about being tipsy and being taken. Zeb was walking home at 11pm from the gym and got jumped by three men who injected him to make him fall asleep. Manuel was on a date with one of the guards, the guard took him back to his house where Manuel had his drink spiked. Rafael literally went to bed one night and woke up in here he imagined he was injected in his sleep and moved here. Finally Josh was in his home when three men broke into his home and pointed guns at him. They drugged him and brought him here. Basically we were all drugged to get here, they probably did this so we wouldn't have a clue where we are and couldn't scream or shout for help. I didn't really want to hear anymore bad stories, it was bad enough knowing twelve are becoming six today.

At breakfast we were told 12pm the first fight would take place and it would be one every hour. But come 11am I herd Manuel and Zeb whispered to each other. I was doing push ups so I wasn't exactly listening but I herd mumbles. It wasn't until Zeb called for me when I realised what Manuel was saying. A couple of times I herd him say "tell him". Now I understood what he meant. "Erm Jake I don't know if now is the best time to tell you, but I don't think there will ever be a good time... So... Erm I think your great and that you've done so well in both your fights. Your so much stronger than you give yourself credit for". "Thanks Zeb" I said nicely. "So what I'm trying to say its that... I like you Jake and I know it's probably weird to hear it especially in the situation were in, but I had to tell you". I didn't say anything as it was just utter shock of the moment. Here I am fighting for my life everyday, fighting for the sake of my best friend and I feel safer at night knowing I've got men around me who I can call my friends. Now one of them is telling me he fancies me! Someone who I probably trusted and liked the most out of all of the guys. "How can you say that! Look at where we are Zeb!" I snapped. "I know I understand it's bad timing, but I had to tell you before this is over". "Why? Only one person is going to win and maybe walk free. It's either going to be one of us or neither of us. Both of us are not walking out of this place alive!" I told him firmly. "I know but I didn't want to die without telling you". " it's not even like we share a room, and could be close to one another, kiss and stuff. We have a wall keeping us apart, we have only ever been in the same room as each other for about an hour" I told him.

I didn't hate Zeb for telling me but I was feeling annoyed that he did, he shouldn't have said anything it just puts another thing on my mind before I fight for my life! I begun training at a hard fast pace until 12pm when Josh was buzzed out for his fight to make the final six. He was fighting against Randy the thirty five year old builder, with brown hair tanned skin and brown eyes. He looked rather stocky but looked somewhat mean, Josh may have met a hard match.

Josh Vs Randy

The fight was a rough one Josh got beat badly as did Randy in the fight, hard punches were thown, heads were smashed into brick walls, and blood splattered on clothes. After five minutes both Josh and Randy were tired. But Josh didn't give in he charged into Randy knocking him onto the floor, but he hit his head on the wall on the way down which caused him to cut his head as it scraped down the bricks. Josh punched him and started going into a frenzy or some kind of anger zone. From what I could see Josh started screaming and repeatedly punched Randy in the face, and when Randy covered his face he punched his chest, when he covered that he went back to his face. Josh turned into a punching machine that couldn't be stopped! He ended up smashing in Randy's face so much that his skull started to cave in. Blood poured out of his face onto Joshes hands and the floor creating a puddle. Even then Josh only rolled off so he could start banging on the brick wall in anger. As soon as the guards came in Josh started on them. "SIT DOWN!" The man with the gun yelled. "Josh stepped closer to him. Looking him in the eyes and breathing heavily. It reminded me of a bull charging at the red cape in the a bull fight. "STAY BACK!" He shouted as he pulled out another gun from his pocket and putting the other away. Josh went to dive into the man but the guard shot him with a small tranquilliser dart. As he landed on the guard he fell asleep.

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