Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I laid on my stomach on a hard floor, I could hear faint calls for help and people asking where they were. I opened my eyes to find myself laying in a bare room that was probably the same size as a prison cell. The room has a small tv screen was inside it, a CCTV camera in the top right hand side wall and small bucket. No bed, no lights nothing else. I rubbed my eyes and wondered where I was. I felt a bit weak and tired, I noticed that I was wearing a plain v neck white t shirt and a pair of short grey jogging bottoms that came just above my knee caps. Again nothing else, not even underwear, socks or shoes. I looked around and I saw the door , it was made of steel or something, or that was my guess when I touched it and pulled myself up. There was a small square in the door to see through a few bars, like a prison door might have, room to look into the corridor but it has bars so you can't get out. I looked into the corridor which was red from the lights, I saw many other doors just like mine.

Suddenly the tv came on, it frightened me at first and apparently frightened others I herd a few gasps. "Welcome my 50 new recruits, isn't it just a wonderful day? Because today we start the new games we call The Gay Wars. And this game takes place on the first day of every month and goes on for just a few days so don't worry you won't be here long. Although 49 of you won't make it to see the rest of this week... You see you will all be entering a one on one fight to the death using your bare hands to kill the other person you fight with. Now you might be thinking there's no way I am going to do this... Well that's where your wrong because you have to, one your own screen now will be a live CCTV camera of your loved ones you'll be fighting for" a man said on plain blue screen. Suddenly the tv showed a live footage CCTV camera of my best friend Adam on his bed listen to music. He was a lovely boy so kind and loyal to me. We've been best friends for years and never had so much as an argument before, we were so close we thought of each other as brothers. I started to cry softly so no one to could hear me. "So if you don't fight we will kill your love ones, if you lose your fight and die we will also kill your loved ones. But the winner gets a special prize which I will tell you about later" a man explained as I sobbed to myself. I started to hear banging around in other cages, men screaming and whacking on there doors. "So in about one hours time the first fight will begin good luck". From that point on for the next ten minutes or so all I could hear was men and boys banging on there doors screaming for help and to be let out.

I sobbed to myself and decided to look out my door to see if there was anyone near me. I saw heads and hands poking through the doors people still confused as to where they were and such. I couldn't believe what has happened to me! How did I even get here? I sat on my floor and tried to remember how I managed to get here. It was hard to remember last night, perhaps I was drugged? That was when it hit me. Yesterday evening I was out with my friends in the town, we wasn't drunk just a little tipsy and at one point in needed to pee so I walked around the back of a building to pee. Once I had finished and started to walk back and someone put a back over my head and carried me away. I must have been drugged in the van or car or something because after being dragged a way I remember nothing. I didn't stop me from crying though in fact I basically cried the whole hour until the first fight started. All I herd was a faint buzz sound and it was dead silence. About a minute later my tv screen turned itself on.

The tv screen said Kyle Vs Billy. And I saw into a bricked circular small room, probably just smaller than my room was two boys. I'd say they were both around eighteen maybe nineteen. One was of average build with brown hair. The other was slim with light browns hair with possible shades of blonde. I had no idea who was who it didn't tell me anymore. They both stood and different ends of the circular room and that was only about meter away from each other if that. I think they were talking at first, I couldn't really hear what they was staying I herd little bits clearly the CCTV cameras could only pick up screams and shouts not normal talking or quiet voices. But the boys started fighting soon enough, the brown haired boy started the fight by punching the other in the face. That was when the fight kicked off, I didn't want to watch it because I knew as soon as that fight is over I could be next. But something kept me watching, I don't know what I think maybe it was because I wanted to pick up some moves. However this fight wasn't exactly a martial arts fight, just a punch up. The boys punched and kicked each other, the brown haired boy got the lighter haired boy in and head locked and after pinned him to the floor and started punching him in the face. It got brutal but the brown haired boy from what I could see looked like he was the one crying yet he continued to punch this boy in the face until the point the lighter haired boy actually died. The brown haired boy made a scream and rolled off the now dead boy. He laid on the floor and cried and looked at his bloody hands. In a matter of five seconds, three men came into the room, who looked like guards, one held a gun pointing it at the brown haired boy while he other two took the dead boy out the room. As the three guards and dead body left left the room and the door shut behind them. It then opened again in about ten seconds later for the brown haired boy to leave the room and I'm guessing go back to his cell under his next fight.

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