♡ Skin Care ♡

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This chapter will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your skin. Specifically your face and lips, the skin types that I'll cover is, normal, sensitive, dry, and oily.

You should know the basics of skin care so I won't spend much time on this. Just drink water, wash your face with a simple bar soap when you wake and make sure to brush your teeth.

Down below I'll be listing the ingredients and how to use them for a cheap homemade face scrub. This scrub will be used for all skin but will be adjusted to fit each type.

♡ Ingredients ♡

Baking Soda
(Can be replaced with Oats if you have sensitive skin)
Lemon Juice
Coconut Oil
Mason Jar

♡ Instructions ♡

-Mix the baking soda (or oats if skin is sensitive) and cinnamon. This is your base so this will be what fills most of the jar. You may want to make your scrub in a bowl first though.

- Next get a good bit of lemon juice with about 4 caps of milk in a separate dish.

- Add some honey and coconut oil into the lemon milk bowl and heat it up for a short amount of time, just until it's a liquid. If you have oily skin do not add much of honey or coconut oil, and instead add a bit more milk. If you have dry skin the coconut oil and honey will do you some good.

- Add sugar into the dish with the baking soda and cinnamon. If you have sensitive skin don't add very much sugar as this is very rough.

- Mix everything together. It most likely won't get into a paste because there will be a higher amount of dry ingredients.

- Add water or milk (preferably water cause it's cheaper and works just fine) until the mask is where you want it to be. It should be a bit gritty and thick but add more water if your skin is sensitive.

- Transfer it to the jar and shake.

How to Use ♡

- I use mine in the shower, I put it on after I wash my hair with shampoo. Conditioner is supposed to sit in your hair for two minutes so it's best to slather the scrub on and let it sit while you wash up and let your conditioner sit.

- You don't want it to come into contact with water at first, you want it to almost "dry" against your skin.

- Once your hair and body is done you can scrub the mask off, you don't need to be very gentle with it unless your skin is sensitive.

A quick tip when you are scrubbing it off is make sure you get your neck rinsed or else you might have some left on your skin which is annoying.

- When out of the shower dry your face with a towel, no need to pat it dry you can scrub it dry because you will put a protective spray on it once you are done.

This protective spray can be made very easily, and you can use it as setting spray for makeup as well.

Protective Spray ♡

How To: Menhera NymphetWhere stories live. Discover now