The News

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Becca's POV

I can't believe this entire time I've been Astral Projecting. The last thing I remember is falling through the floor and blacking out. But I woke up! I woke up in the mental hospital and was fine! At least I thought I was. Apparently I wasn't. I thought I was just wandering around and looking for the others. I thought they were lost and couldn't find me. Apparently I was in that fucking place for a week while the others were already out. How they got out, I don't know, but I'm still confused about the whole situation. It felt like I was only there for a couple hours. I've Astral Projected before, but it was a lot different than right now.

I stand at the foot of the hospital bed my body is in and just watch as Jimmy whispers something in my ear. I smile and place my hand on my body, letting it consume me. Once I'm in my body I feel Jimmy give my hand a squeeze. I give his hand a gentle squeeze back and move it slightly. I hear the machine's I'm attached to start beeping and the doctor start calling for nurses. I start opening my eyes and when I do, Jimmy's hovering above me.

“Baby!” He says emotionally.

I smile and reach up to touch his face.

“Oh Jimmy you look awful,” I giggle.

He just sobs happily and starts kissing me. I smile and kiss him back roughly.

“I've missed you so much baby,” he mumbles against my lips.

“I've missed you too. Where are the others? Are they okay?”

“Yeah. They're all good. Planning funeral arrangements and such. We had to call off the tour because of Johnny. The fans know what happened and they're all devastated.”

“Why can't Justin play?”

“Becca you know what happened with Justin the first time...”

The way he says it is so dark that I cringe.

“You can't give the guy another chance?”

“Unfortunately no.”

I just shake my head and sigh.

“This is it, isn't it? The end of Avenged Sevenfold?”

“We don't really wanna think about that right now.”

“You're never gonna find another bassist like Johnny. Not unless you let Justin back in the band.”

“We're not really focusing on the band right now. We're focused on more important things.”

I nod.

“When the fuck can I get out of here? I'm sick of hospitals.”

“Baby you work at this hospital.”

“Yeah well I probably won't be for much longer. After what happened, I wanna avoid hospitals.”

“Baby you can't let what happened ruin things for you. You're a wonderful nurse and what happened was at an abandoned mental hospital with a serial killer hiding out. It's not the same here. They're giving you time off any way to let your broken ribs heal, so you can use that time to heal mentally too.”

A Nightmare Turned Reality (Avenged Sevenfold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora