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Brian's POV

So when Michelle and I got locked in the room we were in we kept banging on the door for help. We figured one of the others would hear us, but when Jimmy paged in saying he was locked in his room too I instantly knew we were screwed. I knew that there was no way we were getting out, but eventually the door did open and what was outside the door was definitely not what I was expecting. There was a man outside the door and he was holding a knife in his hand. He ushered us out of the room and forced us not to make a sound or he'd kill us. We obviously followed his orders and let him bring us to wherever he planned on bringing us. He brought us to this room with chains and chained us both to the wall. I was pretty much forced to watching him torture and rape Michelle right before my eyes. I felt helpless because I couldn't do anything to help her. After he had finished he bashed her head against the brick wall and left her there while he unchained me and pushed me out of the room and down the hall. He brought me up to the last floor and surprisingly he brought me to that little room Jimmy, the others, and I had found. I'm currently tied to a chair and he's in the corner sharpening his knife. He glances up at me occasionally and gives me an evil stare. I look away from him whenever he does and try my best to ignore him. I have absolutely no hope at all that any of us are going to get out of here. He knows we're here and there's nothing we can do about it. He's going to track each and every one of us down and make sure none of us get out alive. Because if he doesn't, he knows we'll all go right to the police as soon as we're out of this place. I decide to muster up the courage to start a conversation with the guy.

“So why are you even here in the first place?”

“That's not any of your business.”

“Who the hell am I gonna tell? The wall?”

“I'd keep your wise ass jokes to yourself if I were you.”

“What a big tough guy like you can't handle a little joke?”

“Keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you.”

“Obviously you're some sort of murderer because you already killed my friend and now you're threatening me.”

“You're pretty smart for a nit-wit.”

“Nit-wit? Do you even know who the fuck I am?”

“Nope. And frankly, I couldn't give a shit.”

“I'm Synyster fucking Gates from Avenged Sevenfold, fucker. And my friend that you killed was Johnny Christ from Avenged Sevenfold. You're planning on killing an entire band. Just think about how devastated our fans would be.”

“Like I said, I couldn't give a shit.”

“Yeah that's right. I forgot all murderers are heartless.”

“If you don't shut your God damn mouth you'll be heartless in an instant.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever.”

He glares at me and growls lowly. I give him an innocent smile and look around the room. He just grumbles and goes back to sharpening his knife. I wonder if the others are safe and if they've found Michelle yet. I really hope she's still alive. She was badly hurt when I last saw her and I don't wanna lose her. Not now. If the others have found her I hope they can somehow get her to tell them what happened so they can come and search for me. I guess I just need to wait and see.

Becca's POV

We're all still in the room with Michelle and it looks to me as if she's not going to make it. Her head is gashed open pretty good and most of the cut wounds are deep too. She's losing blood fast and it's not looking good at all. Since I'm a nurse, I'm trying my best to find some stuff to wrap her wounds up with. It won't work for long though because it's not going to make the bleeding come to a full stop. The only thing that will help her is to get stitches, but she has to get to a hospital for that. And since there's no way out, she's pretty much screwed. I'd do it myself, but there's no needle or thread in this place.

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