Prologue 4

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Disclaimer: I give James Dashner full credit for the Maze Runner Trilogy. The only character I own is Kelley.

Day 297

"He said he hates you. He said you're annoying and he wishes you would leave him alone."

I looked up from my lunch and stared at Gally. I wasn't sure what I was hearing.

"He...he what?"

"I'm so sorry Kelley, but Newt's just a jerk. He doesn't care about anyone."

My lip started quivering. I had liked Newt ever since we met. Ever since I found him sneaking into the girls' room at night to say hello to his sister. He was nice to me. He made me laugh. He kept me happy when I was missing my family. There was no way that Gally was talking about the same person I was thinking of. But then again, Gally was my friend. He wouldn't say this to me unless it was true.

"You're telling the truth?"

Gally nodded, "Yeah."

I hung my head and I felt a tear run down my face.

Then I got angry. My cheeks began to burn. I was angry at Newt for not liking me. For telling me all the things he did. For leading me on. For making me feel the way I did about him only to find out it would be unrequited. I confided in him about my family, about losing my father, about not liking W.I.C.K.E.D., about everything. 

I wanted to get up and slap Newt in the face. He was only a few tables away. It was possible. But I would get in trouble. We weren't allowed to fight with each other. We weren't supposed to cause problems at all or else we'd lose privileges. We'd be separated from everyone while they punished us and right now I needed my friends. My real friends. I needed Gally to help me feel better.

Gally got up from his seat and sat in the chair to my left. He put an arm around me.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'll like you. Newt doesn't deserve you."

Gally's words gave me an idea. I brilliant idea. If Newt wasn't going to like me, then I wasn't going to like him. I was going to like Gally. I'm going to never talk to Newt ever again. Maybe once he sees me with Gally, he'll realize just how stupid he was for saying that he didn't like me. He'd realize that he should like me. He'd realize how good I was to him. He'd start liking me for real.

I smiled at the thought. I turned to Gally, with my new plan in mind.

"Thanks. Gally, will you be my boyfriend?"

His eyes went wide, "Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I want to make Newt jealous."

He smiled, "Okay, I'll be your boyfriend."

I smiled and looked over at Newt and the rest of our friends. Minho, Alby, Nick, Siggy, and Clint. They were laughing and having fun. Without me.

Newt turned and looked at me. His smile dropped as I felt something on my cheek. Gally had kissed me. Newt's face got red and he quickly turned away, looking down at his food. A part of me felt bad, but the other part was happy that my plan was working. Newt was upset. Eventually, he would come to his senses.

A bell rang. Lunch was over. Time to go to class. I got up and threw my food away. I noticed Newt was watching me while he was mumbling to the other boys. They watched me too. Now was a perfect time to mess with him even more. I skipped over to Gally who was smiling at me. I took his hand in mine and we walked off to class together. I looked back for a second before we entered the hallway. Newt's face was red as a beet and his fists were clenched at his sides.

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