Thirteenth Night

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Solomon's Purgatory:

Chapter 13:

Ciel was disconcerted by the evilness of the smirk yet reassured at the same time. An amnesiac Sebastian was no use to him whereas normal Sebastian would be a wealth of information. The only danger was that Wordsmith might come back too soon or that Sebastian would withhold information because they didn't know each other.

"Your attitude is odd for someone that had no idea about his previous roommate's death, there's your phone as well," Ciel explained.

Sebastian disconnected his phone from the charger with difficulty due to the cast on his arm and unlocked it.

"The truth is, I have no memories of the day I fell off the roof. I do not remember a thing," he confessed. "I'm technically telling the truth about having amnesia. I'm just lying about the timeframe."

Ciel was disappointed to a degree about him not remembering the most important part, but knew there was still a plethora of blanks that Sebastian could fill in.

"I found a text on my phone from an unknown number when I unlocked it earlier," he turned it round so Ciel could see.

'Come to the roof at 6:00pm. I'll tell you everything.'

It explained why Sebastian had been on the roof at the time. It was a shame it had been sent from an unknown number.

"Why are you faking more severe amnesia than you really have?" Ciel asked.

"So no one tries to kill me," Sebastian said like it was obvious answer. "If one of the prefects comes, I'm quite defenceless in this state. If they think I don't know anything, they should leave me alone for a while."

Ciel understood that sentiment well. The conversation he had overheard outside the prefects' sitting room had indicated that Sebastian was in danger if he survived the coma. Sebastian knew precisely what he was dealing with.

"You don't look surprised," Sebastian commented suddenly. "You must know a lot. Ah, Mey-Rin told you about what I said."

"I know about the drugs," Ciel said. "I overheard them saying they want me to join. I don't know what I can do."

Sebastian levelled him with a cool glance.

"That is an issue for both of us. We should work together," he suggested calmly.

That suited Ciel. He debated about showing Sebastian the cat and then decided that he wasn't really a fragile amnesiac cat lover so he could cope with it.

"I got sent this in the post," he said and pulled up the photo on his phone.

It was first time that Ciel had witnessed Sebastian lose his cool. His mouth dropped open and he winced.

"How could someone do that to her?" he sighed deeply. "We're working together for certain now. You must solve this before any more cats get mauled. I'm giving you my number. You'd better reply to my texts."

It was odd to see such passion from Sebastian. He took back his revaluation of Sebastian as a not being a soppy cat lover.

"Do you have any idea who sent it? Or if it's a warning or threat?"

Sebastian paused and his smirk returned.

"I have an idea who it was. I can guess that it's revenge and a warning mixed together. Someone in the secret society has a conscience."

Ciel was about to demand what he meant when he saw Wordsmith walk into the ward. Sebastian dropped his phone under the duvet and Ciel took his own back.

Solomon's Purgatory (Kuroshitsuji) (SebastianxCiel) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now