Third Night

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Solomon's Purgatory:

Chapter 3:

Ciel waited for the prefects to discover the cats in the wardrobe whilst making sure to keep his breathing even so they wouldn't realise he was awake. He was not disappointed by their reaction in the slightest.

"Bloody hell, he keeps cats in here!" the green house prefect swore.

"They're cute, can I take one?" Edgar requested eagerly. Ciel was all too happy for him to take one away.

"Can we throw them outside?" Violet enquired in a low voice. "Michaelis might never come back here."

Ciel was disconcerted by that comment and it reminded him that there was still a possibility that Sebastian wouldn't make it. He was going to have to contact the hospital in the morning and ask about him. If Sebastian died overnight he was going to have a dark murder case to solve.

"Leave them in here for the time being," Bluewer instructed. "If it comes to it, we can claim that he was on the roof to rescue a cat and slipped off."

That sounded like Bluewer knew exactly how Sebastian had come to be on that roof in the dark. Or it could mean that he wanted to cover up someone else's actions. Currently Ciel didn't know enough to decide which possibility it was.

"Shit, one of the cats is out," Greenhill said at the same moment that Ciel felt a familiar itchy feeling in his nose. "It's heading over to Phantomhive."

Ciel had never hated his cat allergy as much as he did right now. If the prefects found that he was awake what would happen to him? If they were murderers he was definitely going be silenced. He heard the cat's light paws strolling over towards his bed and then a change in weight when the cat jumped onto his bed.

His heartbeat rapidly sped up when he felt the urge to sneeze. Then a set of heavy footsteps approached and he felt the cat get picked up off the bed. The urge to sneeze went away with it much to his relief.

"I've got it," Greenhill announced. "Phantomhive might wake up if he got scratched."

The prefects spent another ten minutes searching unsuccessfully for something they kept referring to very mysteriously. Ciel spent the whole time wanting them to say what they were looking for and being worried about them noticing that he wasn't asleep.

The most dangerous point was when Bluewer, clearly the most intelligent out the four came up with the correct idea.

"So, you think someone else found it before us?"

Ciel felt the pressure of four gazes on his face and began to get very worried. The odd notebook he had found in Sebastian's pillow was now in his. If they moved the pillow out from under him, they might notice that he wasn't acting right for a sleeping person and they would find it, not that he knew why a notebook full of recipes was significant.

"Shall I search Phantomhive's belongings?" Edgar asked with a hopeful tone. "Or his bed?"

There was an annoyingly long silence before there was an answer. Ciel spent the whole time trying not to let his panic show on his face.

"No, we've spent too long here already," Bluewer decided. "We can search his items during inspections. Michaelis' belongings are a different story- if he dies they will be looked through by the Police within a few days."

That was when Ciel understood their need to make a search tonight. If Sebastian died, it would probably count as suspicious circumstances and the police would be obligated to perform some sort of investigation of the school and go through his possessions.

Solomon's Purgatory (Kuroshitsuji) (SebastianxCiel) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now