Tenth Night

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Solomon's Purgatory:

Chapter 10:

Ciel stared at the note in confusion. It was clearly a warning or threat of some sort. The problem was that he had no idea what it was referring to. What did 'meow meow' mean? Did it mean the cat? It certainly didn't have whiskers now.

He did recognise the mutilated cat from Sebastian's wardrobe so the sender had to be the person that had taken the cats away and replaced three of them. He had never thought that the missing cat would be returned to him like this.

That eliminated Bluewer who had known nothing about the cats being moved. Technically anyone at Weston College could be the sender. Sebastian's love of cats appeared to be a well-known thing. The bedroom doors didn't have locks so anyone could have walked in and checked the wardrobe for cats.

Ciel focused on the prefects. They had definitely known about the cats in the wardrobe. Had one of them sent him this as a warning behind the others' backs? Or was it a threat to keep him off their tail?

For the moment he couldn't tell. He closed the box again so he didn't have to see the blood smeared cat's head again. What should he do with it?

Whilst he was averse to cats due to his allergy, he wasn't happy seeing a mutilated one. He should probably bury it somewhere once he'd recovered from the sight. He'd have to ask Mey-Rin and Finny or perhaps Edward for a suitable place.

Should he tell other people about the cat? He could take it to Wordsmith. Then again Wordsmith might start asking everyone if they'd sent it to him. For the moment he wanted to keep it quiet.

He braced himself and opened up the parcel again to take a photo on his phone. He needed a photo before it decomposed too much. He hesitated on sending it to Lizzie. She was the only person that knew everything, but at the same time he didn't want to send her a gruesome image.

He kicked the box under Sebastian's bed so it was out of sight until he was ready to dispose of it. If it had been sent on behalf of the secret society, he was going to have to start investigating the old canteen as soon as possible.

It would be best to investigate at night. The risk of that was getting caught for being outside the curfew by a teacher which was most likely to be the lowest risk to his life or that if someone dangerous caught him, there really would be no witnesses around to save him.

The thought of going alone was not appealing. He wanted to go with someone he trusted implicitly because it would be an ideal chance for someone involved in the secret society to attack him.

Mey-Rin and Finny came to mind. McMillan was not an option for the most obvious reason- he idolised the prefects too much and would probably turn him in for trespassing. Edward was a last resort because whilst Lizzie could make him do it, he would whine and complain the whole time.

It had to be Mey-Rin and Finny. Their motives for helping him out were obvious. Mey-Rin had a crush on Sebastian and was willing to go quite far to find out what happened to it. Finny was her best friend and was also friendly with Sebastian.

They were the only two people that he was sure had Sebastian's interests at heart rather than Weston College.

He texted Mey-Rin to ask if she and Finny were willing to investigate the old canteen after hours. She texted back after ten minutes to ask for more details and agreed once they had a time and a meeting place.

Ciel breathed a sigh of relief once she confirmed. He hadn't wanted to end up going alone. If they did end up in trouble, Finny could get them out of it with his above average strength.

Solomon's Purgatory (Kuroshitsuji) (SebastianxCiel) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now