Best Friend

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[Gun x Reader]

"Crystal said she was coming..." (Y/n) muttered to herself, standing in the parking lot waiting for said female to arrive. Today was the school festival. And for some reason Crystal had mentioned that she wanted to go.

"Hey, (Y/n), why are you not looking at booths?" Daniel asked walking up beside her.

"I'm waiting for Crystal, she said she was coming," (Y/n) said looking up at the male. Of course, (Y/n) had patients enough to wait for her best friend. Though in the back of her mind she knew if she arrived she would bring Gun with her. She knew that if Gun showed up she would become giddy around him and Crystal would definitely make fun of her for it. Though she saw no problem in how she acted around him, because, well, come on, he is very attractive. That is if your able to get past the fact he is very intimidating. Though it doesn't really phase (Y/n).

"Is that her?" Daniel asked pointing out her limo, which totally doesn't bring a bunch of attention. What, no way? Limo, who?

"Yeah that's her," (Y/n) sighed, a smile grew on her face. She watched as Gun got out first, allowing Crystal to get out as well. Crystal slowly made her way over to (Y/n), Gun followed close behind.

"Hey, Miss Richie." (Y/n) greeted Crystal, being sarcastic but at the same time meaning it.

"Hey," Crystal paused, looking at the (y/h) girl, "let me guess, 'no better entrance than a richie entrance'?" Crystal finished quoting a different remark (Y/n) made not even a day previous.

"You know it," (Y/n) chuckled. "But seriously you complain about other rich people being narcissistic but here you are, 'Miss I show up to a high school festival in a limo', with your body guard too."

"Are you done yet?" Crystal asked, slightly chuckling at the last remark.

"Yeah, by the way hey Gun," (Y/n) said waving to the male that hadn't said a word.

"You say that but your the one with a crush on my bodyguard." Crystal mumbled to (Y/n) as she walked past her making her way to the event she wanted to go to.

"Oh, and one more question..." (Y/n) said walking quickly to caught up with Crystal.

"Why did I wanna come? I'm gonna guess," Crystal said continuing to make her way to the stage where the slave auction was supposed to be held.

"Is it because you came to see your lover boy?" (Y/n) puckered her lips mocking two people making out.

"As if," Crystal scoffed rolling her eyes.

"(Y/n) why are you so sarcastic constantly?" Gun asked out the blue.

"Because," she paused for a moment and put her finger up to her chin, "I can be."

"Wow, perfect excuse," Crystal said laughing lightly at her friends idiocy.

"I have no specific answer to that, thanks for stumping me Gun, ya meaner." (Y/n) said playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

"Act giddy much?" and so it begins.

"Miss Richie, what kind of question is that?" (Y/n) said a bit irritated at Crystal for making fun of her.

"How about I answer your question with another question, why don't you give a clear answer?" Gun asked watching the female intently.

"That's not important right now," she mumbled crossing her arms. "Anyway, why are you curious to begin with?"

"Well miss seeing as you are flustered I'll take all that I can," Gun smirked.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened for a moment as she looked at him. She had started to grow a blush but she didn't think he'd notice it. That's when a thought crossed her mind that Crystal could have mentioned a thing or two to the male. The slave auction started and ended quite quickly, or seemed to (Y/n) that it did because she hadn't paid even a bit of attention. Maybe because her mind and gaze were both on her best friends bodyguard. Crystal ended up saving Daniels ass, from some other rich bitch.

"I have other stuff I have to do so we'll be off," Crystal said heading towards her limo. (Y/n) followed her to the parking lot. Daniel was grateful for Crystal saving him from the cunt who took slave too literal. So he went to thank her before she left. Of course she attempted to ignore him. Daniel didn't allow it either.

"Wait, just a sec!" Daniel said trying to stop Crystal. She quickly go into the car though and Gun stopped Daniel by grabbing him by his wrist.

"She didn't even say an official good bye to me. I swear," (Y/n) shook her head in unsatisfactory.

"And Gun, let the poor kid go, he was just trying to talk to her about the auction." (Y/n) said watching Gun and Daniel. Gun let go of Daniel's wrist.

"Though I was given orders, I'll let it slip for now." Gun slowly made his way towards (Y/n) both of his hands in his pockets. He looked down on her. A smirk was plastered in his face as he became very close to her.

"Only for you, princess," he said lowly. His face was centimeters away. And (Y/n) turned bright red. Gun then got inside the limo and left with Crystal. (Y/n) was very flustered and Daniel couldn't really comprehend was had just happened. Vasco showed up shortly and they went to see the performances which Daniel was part of.

~~The End~~


[A/n]: I know that Gun is a bit out of character but I tried. I hope that you like it olame2. And the way I see it, it doesn't matter what race you are so I didn't include that. (Kinda why I would normally put a (s/c) (skin/color) thing, but small details such as that aren't really important.)

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