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[Daniel x Reader]

"Welcome," the small chubby male said as (Y/n) entered the corner store.

"Oh," (Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit not expecting a greeting, "hello," she blushed lightly waving to him.

"Uh, I've never been in here before where are the, uh-" she started to make small hands gestures in the shape of a bottle of soda.

"You want soda?" He asked slightly turning his head to the side showing his confusion. (Y/n) anime sweat dropped nodding her head.

"Back there," he pointed to the coolers.

"Thanks," she smiled and quickly went to grab her drinks. (Y/n) brought back an extra drink for the male behind the counter. She bought the drinks and waited for a moment, she was still a bit flustered.

"I bought an extra drink for you," she smiled sheepishly.

"Uh, here," she slowly pushed the bottle closer to him and left.

The next day at school, (Y/n) came into class late bring more attention to herself. She seemed to have caused enough of a distraction that the new transfer student decided to talk to her.

"Hello," the male smiled at her remembering her from the night before at the corner store.

"Hi, your the new transfer student, correct?" she said trying to remember the males name.

"Yeah," a small blush appeared on his cheeks as he pulled a chair up beside her.

"Your names Daniel, right? I'm (Y/n)," (Y/n)'s smile hadn't changed at all as she tried to have a conversation with the attractive male that had sat next to her.

"Nice to meet you," Daniel had already gotten himself comfortable beside her.

"How are you liking the school so far?" (Y/n) asked a bit worried of any problems he could have come across.

"Uh, its.." he paused. "Better than the last one?" his statement came out more like a question.

"Well, most people here are assholes so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't like it here." the female said sighing as she rested her elbow against the desk resting her head on her hand looking at the male beside her.

"Oh, uh, I wouldn't necessarily say that," Daniel had seemed to anime sweat dropped while moving his hands back and forth dismissing what she had said.

"(Y/n)," Daniel said not realizing how smooth the name felt in his mouth. A small blush had spread across both of their faces.

"U-uh, yeah?" (Y/n) said her heart feeling like it had unnaturally skipped a few beats. By then their eyes met.

(Cheesy I know, but in lookism fan fiction I love it when my little squish has its little cheesy moments. Just personal opinion. And dis is meh book so...)

They both just froze for a moment staring at each other in surprise. Slowly they both adjusted to each others gaze. As Daniel became comfortable he slowly realized how beautiful she really was. His blush darkened.

When (Y/n) realized that she was staring, and there was a mild possibility she had made him uncomfortable, she averted her eyes removing her arm from the desk and readjusting her body to face the desk more than Daniel. They slowly fell into an awkward silence.

Later that night while (Y/n) was out on a small stroll she ended stopping at the corner store again. Like before the short male was sitting behind the counter. She grabbed a couple of drinks from the coolers and some snacks. She paid and gave the male behind the counter a couple of her snacks and a drink she grabbed. Instead of leaving this time she stood in front of the male a small blush sat on her cheeks.

"I was wondering," she started speaking to the male. "You look like your about my age, do you go to Jae high?" she tilted her head genuinely curious.

"No, I don't go to school but my roommate does. You may know him, his names Daniel," he answered a small blush on his cheeks as well as hers.

"I may know him, is he a new transfer student? In fashion department perhaps..." (Y/n) asked, not completely sure.

"Yeah, I believe that's him," the small male said.

"What's your name? I'd like to become friends," her smiled widened.

"Oh, my names Daniel," he said his blush becoming more prominent.

"Okay, do you mind if I call you little Daniel, then I can call your roommate big Daniel..." (Y/n) was happy, and it was very visible, her smile seemed to never stop growing.

"Uh, sure," he smiled, he hadn't met anyone who was attractive and kind hearted. He didn't completely notice it himself but he had started growing a crush on the (y/h) (your/height) girl.

Of course he'd never admit it but he loved how when she spoke to him that she blushed and how her (e/c) (eye/color) eyes held specks of light. How her (h/c) (hair/color) hair had flowed and framed her face making her seem to glow. And before he knew it he was staring at her, his eyes widened and he excused himself before leaving the store. The female was sad their conversation was cut short but she sat outside the store waiting for him to come back. That's when she saw big Daniel walking towards the corner store.

"Hey, Daniel," (Y/n) waved her smile not changing. Then a giddy feeling started to build up in her stomach. She looked up to the tall male as he slowly walked towards her.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Daniel said waving back to her. He couldn't help but to smile being near her. He sat beside her on the concrete.

"Little Daniel left for a moment, hopefully he comes back soon," she mumbled the last part her, her pink tented cheeks showed a bit brighter then before.

"I'll keep your company then," he answered watching the girl closely as she fidgeted a bit.

"Do you mind if I were to call you big Daniel?" she nervously mumbled her small explanation while looking down at her hands while blushing.

"Yeah, it'll be my little nickname for you." Daniel smiled brightly. She looked up at him again. She stared at him, picking out all of his beautiful features. To her big Daniel and little Daniel had a couple of similarities.

"Yeah," (Y/n) blushed lightly giggling.

~~The End~~

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