Thirty - Six

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WHEN the song was over, the young red head attempted to sit up and leave. Men surrounded her.

"Samil," I called out.

He nodded towards me as his eyes remained stern. "Don't move. Entertain."

I searched for the girl. She was lost in the herd of sweat and testosterone.

"Beautiful voice..." A deep voice creeped from beside me.

"Yes," Samil presented. "One of the bests."

The man nodded at Samil, pulling him to the side. I watched as their mouths moved in silent words. Their eyes occasionally shifting towards me.

Other men began to gather around me, their hands wringing in their pockets as if too consumed with lust to stay put. I ignored them. Suddenly, the young girl peaked through the crowd. She smiled wearingly my way. Behind her men followed.

"This is Nightingale." She whispered to the men behind her.

They stared in hunger as the girl pressed to my side. I gently gripped her fingers around mine. She squeezed in thanks. Her breath was heavy, scared...she was too young.

The men eyed us. Their gaze scanning our bodies. I felt the young girl wiggle with discomfort.

"Good day, gentlemen." I greeted through clenched teeth.

Odin and Samil looked on with pride. The main attraction was finally cooperating again.

Their satisfaction didn't last long. For as the men leaned closer, their hands attempting to take hold of me, I took a hard and obvious step back. Their faces fell. I didn't bother feeling apologetic.

"Nightingale," Samil growled from the sidelines.

"Perhaps another song?" Odin interjected.

"Perhaps not," I muttered. "I believe it's been a long day - best to rest up for another performance later."

The men snickered in amusement.

"Well then. Very well." Odin stated with superficial kindness.

By the time the men were ushered towards the main floor, Samil approached me. His face grim, lips pressed in a line and his hand headed for my throat. I swatted the monsters grasp away.

"How dare you!" Samil snarled.

I stood firm. "You need me. You have no where else to go. If I'm hurt, you're done for...and don't pretend you don't know that."

Samil's jaw hang open. His eyes wide as no reply could escape his lips.

"I'm going back to my friends. Don't follow."

The ringleader shook his head in disbelief, but nodded soon after.

"And, don't touch her." I gestured towards the girl beside me.

Samil grunted in agreement.

We left the room.


Once out of ear shot, I turned to my companion. "Are you okay?" I whispered.

She nodded, her eye lids fluttering away any trace of tears.

"What's your name?"


I nodded. "Okay Poppy. You're safe now, just go back to your room - don't get in anyone's way."

She smiled. "Thank you."

I watched as she scurried away, then turned towards the nearest corner.

"Nightingale," Odin called out from behind me.

My skin crawled as I turned to face the beast.

He took small steps closer towards me. "Wonderful performance..."

"Thank you."

His large frame shadowed over me. "I'd like to, however, discuss the event after the song."

"I'm not sure I follow..." I muttered, suddenly feeling the wall pressed against my back.

"I'm sure you do," He snarled. "See, I know full well of your capability. I also have no doubt that you are aware of mine. This being said - I believe it would be much easier, and more civil, if you were to just do as you're told."

"And why is that?" I muttered in disgust.

His stubby finger reached forward and traced my jaw. "Because it would be a shame to have to hurt one of your friends."

I squirmed in anger.

"Don't get too overwhelmed in your own pride, girl. You haven't accomplished anything from
burning that garbage show. You're mine now. Not Samil's, not Marius'...mine and you will do as I say. Or else, one of your beloveds will pay the consequences. Understand?"

My mouth held firm, but I nodded nonetheless.

"Splendid," He grinned just before grasping my arm.

I staggered behind him to follow. His pace remained hurried till we had reached a narrow hall. At both ends was a guard, both had guns in hand. One seemed to be planted by a dark door.

I desperately scanned the area, looking hard to find some hint of an escape.

The guard greeted Odin before unlocking the door.

"Don't forget..." Odin whispered.

With a jerk, Odin thrusted me against the cold ground. Marius, Rene and Manuel ran to my side just before the door slammed closed, leaving us in the damp dark.

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