Thirty - One

136 11 2

ARTIN'S body fell like a rag doll.

A blood curling cry escaped my lips. My body made a sound I had never heard before. Marius shook against the torturing tone of my voice and ran towards me. He grasped my hand and began to lead me away from the scene, further into the field and towards safety.

In that moment, the world slowed. The people around me moved in soft rhythm, the fire danced as if following a gentle ballad, and I watched it all. People behind Odin ran. Their faces pained with fear so specifically detailed by an invisible artist. Their clothing caught in flames. The colours a large contrast to the dark black night.

Odin's face was carved with an evil smirk. Power filled his eyes as he watched Samil's latest kill. His posture remained straight and daunting. His filthy hands hooked against his waist. The men around him gathered like soldiers. The world framed him like a warrior; an infamous colonel.

Artin lay on the ground, lifeless, helpless, and died selflessly.

Blood pooled around him. A rich crimson halo.

Samil's white painted face began to melt. His black lips smeared in the sweat of his sins. The ringleader became a stringed puppet to Odin's dues. Yet, his naive mind drank the power of murder, as if he remained the leader of the circus. His demonic eyes scanned me, watching me as I tried to escape.

My skin no longer crawled. My heart didn't skip any beats with fear. My breath didn't catch from dread.

I filled with anger instead.


The screams and roar of the flames lowered to a whisper, the further we got. When it appeared safe enough, Marius and I ducked behind old rusted cars and drying bushes. As soon as we caught our breaths, Dandra had appeared with ropes in hand. The cubs gently attached to the other end; Lacey protecting the rear.

I embraced my friend. "Are you okay?" She asked.

My lips pressed closed, before I explain what had just happened. Her gaze fell against the frightened creatures. "The elephants ran west," I stated.

"I have to find them" She said.

I nodded, our eyes meeting as if scanning our faces into memory. Perhaps this would be the last time I would ever see my dear friend. We remained crouched in safety for a few moments longer, our hands tightened in grip before we let each other go. Marius and I watched as they disappeared into the clear horizon.

"We have to go meet everyone else, they should've been out by now!" Marius stated.

I nodded in determination.

Marius and I scanned the edges of the fiery circus. People had crawled out from the smoke, a few wounded from the fire, a few bled through gunshots wounds and some mourned limp corpses. I dragged my feet towards each group of gathered individuals.

Eyes scanned me as I passed them. Their hate burned through me. Blame surrounded me as much as the smoke had. Marius stayed close by, his arm around me as we continue to search for our friends.

There within a few angry souls, Mirna kneeled against an injured child. The girl's arm was slightly singed, her face filled with a mixture of pain and fear. I lowered myself to assist, but was suddenly pushed aside by another woman.

My elbow scraped the gravelled ground as I gazed up at the perpetuator. The woman scolded at me, her arms wrapped around the young girl in protection. "Don't touch her!" She yelled.

Mirna leaned forward with the intention to calm the woman.

"She started all this," The woman pointed at me in disgust. "Stay away from my daughter."

The hate in this women must have been contagious. Angered growls and statements of detest oozed out around me. The crowd grew larger, they suddenly gripped my arms, and Mirna stared on with concern.

"Please," She stared firmly. "There are many injured that need your attention first!"

No one listened. Marius tried his best to pry the angry grips of strangers from my body.

"My wife was burned alive!"

"Who does she think she is?!"

"All you had to do was sing."

"You just needed to sing."

"You're just a singer. You had only had one thing to do!"

"You killed my son!"

The accusations grew louder and louder. My arms and hair were being tugged aggressively in different direction. As if each person was desperate to rip me apart as consolation to their grief.

Rene and Manuel must have spotted the chaos, for soon their bodies were squeezed in between myself and the crowd.

"Get out of the way!" A man spat at Marius.

"Move!" A woman was attacking Mirna.

I shoved my friends to the side, hoping to keep them from harms way. My attempt fell short.

Soon men and women began to push towards me. Marius became caught up between two men as they lunged forward, their fists powered with anger - the crowd became unhinged.

Tension filled the air more than the smoke. Men and women were up in arms at their anger. Their show ended prematurely, the family members harmed, all because the spoiled last act didn't do her job.

A loud rustle was then heard at the edge of the mass. People split to the sides, making way for the man approaching. The stranger carried a large metal piece - something that must have been ripped away from broken equipment. His eyes were coated with a demonic gaze. His arms lifted high above his head, and his mouth was pressed in a strong grimace.

I gasped as I realized his intentions.

Around me people watched this man. His hate and disgust illuminated in his face. The large metal piece glistened with danger against the flames behind him. No one stepped forward to stop him. No one stepped forward. Instead they watched awaiting for the end to the scene.

I begged people to move away from him. They didn't bother. They stood, shoulder to shoulder, fencing the Nightingale in.

Around me people stood, and waited.

Until Mirna turned around unaware of the situation.

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