part seventeen

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My tour with Banks had finally finished which meant I could finally start with my own music. I was staying in Miami for a couple of weeks with a close family friend, Rafael. He was in school for orthodontics but he produced music for people on the side to pay for school. He was generous enough to let me stay with him and extremely willing to help make my album. We had been working nonstop whenever he wasn't in school and it was honestly really fun. Four songs had already been finalized and sent over to the label for final approval. Everything was happening so quickly and I was really excited about it.

I still had the thing with my dad in the back of my mind. He hadn't tried to contact me again, thankfully, but he still had my information on hand and I had no clue how or why he had gotten it. It was a crazy situation that I honestly didn't want to deal with alone, so I left it in the back of my mind and used all of my energy to focus on my music. I had written so many fucking songs about Matt, but I used my aggression towards my dad to make a really cool track. It was something I had never done before, shown an angrier side of me and had a very edgy track behind it. I was actually a really big fan of it, and Rafa liked it too.

I hadn't played Matt any of the songs yet because I wanted to show him in person. Honestly, we hadn't spoken very much since I got here. He was so busy writing his verses and recording with Romil that he was in his own element. We weren't fighting or drifting, we were comfortably doing our own things, which was fine. I did miss him, but it wasn't enough to make me super sad or anything. I scrolled through my photos, smiling as I landed on one of Matt and me backstage at my first show. It was a mirror selfie of the two of us, him kissing my cheek. I went over to my Instagram and posted it, jokingly captioning it "missing my papi" with a giggle.

"OOF i love you mami" he commented, making me laugh even harder. My phone lit up with his FaceTime call and I answered it excitedly. "Hey, baby." I smiled. Seeing him again made me feel so at peace. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked, flopping down on a couch. "I just finished up a track, pretty exciting stuff." I shrugged, laying back against my chair. "I really fucking miss you." he admitted, making me blush. "You're soft as fuck." I joked, making him chuckle. "I miss you too, amorcito." I agreed. He bit his lip in thought, making me raise an eyebrow. "When do you come back?" he wondered. I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm not sure. We only have four tracks finalized and I'm gonna put at least twelve on the album." I mumbled.

"Is that Cat? Cat!" yelled Ian behind Matt, snatching the phone from his hands. I heard Matt protesting, which made me giggle. "Can I talk to my girl in peace?" he groaned. "She's our girl, so no!" said Ian, walking away with the phone. "How are ya feeling, loser?" he joked, making me smile. "A lot better, working on music has taken up like all of my brain space so I don't have time to think about anything else. Are you excited to drop the album next week?" I wondered. He smiled widely and nodded. "Yeah, excited to see how people like it." he explained. "Can Matt hear me?" I asked, Ian shaking his head no. "I'm flying down for you first three shows, if that's cool." I said, raising an eyebrow. "Yes! He's gonna be so excited. Honestly, he's a drag when you're not here. Mopey and soft as fuck. Y'all whipped." he noted.

"My mans loves me." I joked, making him laugh. "Alright, that's enough." said Matt, grabbing back his phone. "Can't talk to my girl in peace." he huffed, making me smile. "Bye, Cat! Love you!" yelled Ian waving and walking away. Matt walked up the stairs to the room he shared with Ashlan. "I wanted to ask you for a favor." I mumbled, biting my lip. He hummed in response, urging me to continue. "I wanted you on the album. It's a representation of the past two years of my life and you're the most important part." I admitted, making him smile. "You want me on it? You sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, biting my lip nervously. "Of course, babe. I'll only do it if you come visit me." he smirked. "That can be arranged." I giggled, blowing him a kiss.


DUDEEEE MY FUCKING STORY WAS REFERENCED IN AN ARTICLE so the boys probs know ab it which is wild and kinda scary. Link below.

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