part three

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"Vas a salir esta noche? Estas linda. (Are you going out tonight? You look good.)" said my mom, looking up at me as I emerged from the stairs. She sat on the couch, drinking her tea and watching whatever show was on TV. "Voy a ver a Ian, tiene un show. (I'm gonna go see Ian sing.)" I smiled, grabbing my keys from the counter. "Con cuidado, y no llegues tan tarde que no te quiero afuera a la madrugada. (Be careful, and don't get here so late. I don't want you out in the middle of the night.)" she warned, raising an eyebrow. "I'll be home at a reasonable time, mami." I laughed, hugging her goodbye and hopping in my car. I was so nervous for tonight.

I wore my favorite outfit, black skinny jeans that were super ripped and high waisted, a bright red cropped hoodie, and some boots. My makeup was on the heavier side. I wanted something more dramatic than I usually go for to compliment my performance. I pulled up to Ian's driveway, my thoughts racing. I kept second guessing my songs and my sound and what I was anticipating to happen. I played all the scenarios in my head. What if I just wasn't good enough? What if everyone hated me? What if I made a fool of myself? It was all super overwhelming. My passenger door swung open and in hopped Ian.

He was so fucking excited. The thought of performing didn't scare him. He looked forward to getting on any stage. "We are gonna fuck if up tonight." he smiled, but immediately stopped when he saw my face. "You're freaking out." he stated, shaking his head. "I am not." I lied, rolling my eyes. "You are. Stop freaking out, Cat. It'll be fine. You look hot, they'll all love you, and Matt will be there." he smirked. I held my chest as I burst out laughing. "I hate you! That's not why I'm doing this." I groaned. "Regardless, it's gonna be great. Merlyn and Ameer will be there, I'll be there. You'll have a fan base." he joked, making me giggle. "Alright, Kevin Abstract. Don't make me regret this." I smiled, switching gears and driving off to the house show.

Once we arrived, I finally got to meet Joba. He put the whole show together and was really cool. We were going over the set times when I heard the familiar voice from behind me. "Joba, everything looks great." said Matt, walking up to us. I put on a smile, turning to face him. "Thanks, man." said Joba, bumping his fist. "Are you coming over to record your shit later in the week? It's pretty good." he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'll let you know for sure." nodded Matt with a smile. "Hey, Cat. Good to see you." he said, touching my shoulder and walking off towards the stage. "You ready?" asked Joba, snapping me out of my mini-trance. "As I'll ever be." I sighed, walking up to the microphone nervously. The track began to play behind me, and I closed my eyes and prepared to sing in front of these people for the first time in my life.

I sang through my songs, getting lost in the motions. I danced along to my beat, sang all the right adlibs, and completely forgot about how nervous I was. I was in my element and everything felt right. The people in the crowd were dancing along to my beats, which were a mix of Hip Hop, Latin, and R&B influences. I felt comfortable singing in front of all the people that were there. This is what I was meant to do. Once my second song finished, I put the microphone back on the stand and smiled widely as everyone cheered. The second I walked off stage, Ian embraced me tightly and carried me into his arms. "You fucking KILLED IT." he yelled excitedly, spinning me around. I laughed loudly, hugging him back. "Thank you! I'm so fucking shook right now. That was so fun." I gasped. He put me down, smile wide. "I knew you'd go off. That was incredible, Cat." he said, punching my shoulder playfully.

"What are you waiting for? Kevin Abstract has a show to do." I winked, pushing him towards the stage. I joined Ameer and Merlyn in the crowd, thanking them and they complimented my performance. This crowd was ready for Kevin. The second he went on stage, the room was practically shaking. Everyone was jumping along to the beat as Kevin passionately delivered his verses. The three of us screamed along to the words we had come to know so well. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Matt. "Just wanted to say you did really good. I didn't know you could sing like that." he said loudly over the noise. I smiled widely, blushing a bit and looking down. "Thanks, it was my first time performing in front of anyone other than my friends." I admitted nervously. Matt nodded and smiled, but his face immediately changed when he saw something behind me.  "I-I'll see you at school." he muttered, turning around and storming out of the house. I looked back in confusion and gasped when I saw his girlfriend making out with another guy. This was bad.

fangs / matt championOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora