Chapter 15 part 2

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Ciara's POV

   I put on my long and beautiful red dress and black heels. I wore my hair straight and my bangs swept to the side. I adjusted my make-up and put on my favorite hoop earrings. I looked at my engagement ring and twirled it on my finger. It confined Michael's and I love. It was so special to me and I can't wait to become his wife. I just pray that this night goes well after what happened last night. I don't want any fighting between our families. They are about to be combined into one!

 Then I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me. ''You look stunning'' Michael whispered in my ear. I turned around and smiled. Just being in his arms made me feel loved and safe. ''Thank you baby'' I said. I saw alittle twinkle in his eyes as he smiled at me and it almost brought me to tears. He really loves me.

 Michael had on dress pants, a white shirt, a sparkly blue jacket, and dress shoes. His hair was in a ponytail with strands of hair hanging down. He was turning me on. ''You look so sexy. I love your outfit'' I said as  I eyed him. He did alittle pose and stood up on his toes with his arms up. I laughed. ''That is one of my favorites of his poses'' I complimented. He stood back in regular position and put his arm around my shoulder.

 ''I can't wait to show my ENTIRE family my soon to be wife'' Michael exclaimed. I laughed. ''I can't wait for my ENTIRE family to meet my husband'' I exclaimed as Michael did. He smiled and led me out the bathroom to the door. We walked out and we heard laughing and guests. We walked downstairs, fingers interwined, as we looked around. Then Rebbie shouted, ''Look at the bride and groom''.

 Everyone then cheered and clapped. Everyone was dressed formaly, but the men didn't wear suits or tuxs. Michael wanted that. I smiled as saw everyone. When we got off the last step, I was crushed in a hug by Kat and Lala. ''I MISSED YOU GIRL'' Lala shouted as she hugged me. I laughed. ''It wasn't the same without you'' Kat exclaimed as she gave me a hug.

 Lala had on a long and wavy yellow dress, with hoops, her hair was in a curly side ponytail, and she had on beautiful white sandals. Kat had on a light blue dress to her knees, with black pumps, and she basically looked flawless. I have never seen her hair loook so curly before. She looked like Shirley Temple!

 ''I missed you guys so much'' I said as a tear strolled down my cheek. ''Awww, don't cry. We are supposed to be happy'' Lala said as she wiped the tear away. ''Besides, it took years to get this much eyeliner on me and you going to make me cry'' Kat said smiling. I laughed. I missed my friends more then anything.

 ''Hello Kat, Hello Lala'' Michael said with a bright smile. They ran to him and hugged him. ''You were being so romantic by proposing to Ciara on Oprah. That has been on the news everyday since! You must really love my girl'' Lala said when she pulled away. ''I do really love her'' he said as he looked at me. I blushed. Then Rebbie, Latoya, and Janet walked up to us.

 ''Girl, you look beautiful'' Latoya said as she eyed my dress. I thanked her. ''Oh my gosh......your THE Janet Jackson'' Kat exclaimed excidelty. Janet laughed and so did I. ''So your a fan?'' Janet asked with a smile. ''A fan...girl your my icon'' Kat said. I laughed harder.

 ''Well, thank you. I defintetly have to do something for my sister-in-law's best friend'' Janet said with a smile. Kat looked like she was about to pass out. This was hilarious to me. ''Ooh snorita' you look beautiful'' said my mom as she walked up to me. She was rocking this hot pink dress.

''Thanks mom. You look young right now'' I said when we pulled away from our hug. ''Thanks daughter'' she said sarcastically with a smile. I laughed. Then Michael's brothers walked over to us. ''Hey Ciara, you look great'' Tito complimented as he twirled me around. ''Thanks'' I said with a smile to light up the world.

 I suddenly felt Kat and Lala grip my arm. ''Those are the Jacksons'' Lala whispered aloud for everyone to here. Everyone laughed. ''Nice to meet you....'' Jackie said as he bent down in front of Lala. ''Lassie, but call me Lala'' she said with a blush. ''Lala'' he whispered as he kissed her hand. Michael and I decided to leave those lovebirds and we approached our guests.

 Julia and Randy eventually began chatting and they looked like they were having fun. Michael and I then walked over to my dad, who was in conversation Katherine. ''Hey dad'' I said. He smiled at me and hugged. ''Having fun mom?'' Michael asked Katy. ''I am having an excellent time. I am just catching up with Hector here, who's dad used be my mother's friends and I knew him when I was young'' she explained.

 I was suprised. ''Everyone knows each other apparently'' I said with a smile. ''Where's Joesph?'' Michael asked with a disgusted face. ''He went in his car to get your present'' Katy said. Michael looked stiff. He must've really not want his father here. I am now regretting it. ''I got it.....'' Joe said as he walked up to us. He then stopped when he spotted my father.

 The drama begins............

 ''Well look who it is.....Mr.Mexican'' he spat. I gasped. I never heard such a rude and ignorant thing come out of his moth since I have known him. That really hurt because he was talking about my father. ''Looks like Joe hasn't changed a bit. Just got back from hustling in the mines'' my father said back. ''Daddy stop!'' I exclaimed as I pulled hm back.

 ''At least I worked for everything I have now and not have everything handed to me'' Joe said with an evil look on his face. ''I didn't have it and you know that. My dad worked extra and so did I, so we could save up to leave town. You spent all the money you worked for on candy and mircophones;; my father shot back. I was obviously not going to be able to break this up,

 ''Mami!'' I yelled. She came rushing and when she saw the position the were in, she stepped in between them. ''Well, if it isn't Joesph Jackson'' my mother said smiling as she looked at Joe warmly. Joe snorted. ''Get out my face, Senorita'. Can't you see me talking'' Joe said as he lightly shoved my mother out the way. My dad wa pissed now!

 ''DOM'T YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY WIFE EVER AGAIN BECAUSE YOU WON'T LIKE IT WHEN THEIR ON YOU'' Dad shouted. I was suddenly crying. ''Ay Dios Maria'' I sobbed. I looked at Michael and I could see him try to contain his anger in and I don't know how long it will be until he does.

 ''You think I am scared of you, ha?'' Joesph asked with an evil smile. ''I know you are Jackson'' dad spat as he walked closer to Joe. ''Joesph, Hector....stop'' Katy pleaded. ''Stay out of this Katy'' Joesph said. Katherine held my mother as she cried.  Then Michel blew up!

 ''STOP YOUR RUINING THIS FOR EVRYONE JOE! HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY ONE EVIL THING TO YOU....AND YOUR STARTING TROUBLE AS YOU ALWAYS DO'' Michael yelled at his father. ''Michael stop'' I said as I seperated him from his dad. ''CIARA IT WOULD BE BEST IF YOU MOVED'' Michael said with a look off fury in his eyes.

  I was crying harder now. Michael never raised his voice at me ever. ''DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR FATHER! ITS WORST ENOUGH YOU ALREADY LEFT YOUR FAMILY TO GO SOLO'' Joesph yelled at Michael. I ran to the top of the steps. This was definetly how the night was supposed to be. ''STOP ARGUING'' I screamed.

 Everyone looked at me. ''I never liked her'' Joesph exclaimed. I was done. I was done! ''Leave'' I shouted just before I ran to my room. I slammed the door to my room a few times. I locked the door and ran to my bed. I basically ripped 4 of the pillows apart in anger, before crying into them as I laid in my bed.

 I was so hurt. I was so betrayed. I thought Joseph liked me. I guess I was wrong. We will never be a happy family. Theere will always be arguments between them. I want to settle this. I want this to be over, but they proably won't even look at each other. I am stuck. So stuck. How do I get through this? How do I keep my head held high?


 Give me the strength to survive this family rage. Please let everything be ok with Michael and I after this. Please heal Joesph's heart and my father's. Help them get through this old anger for Michael and I's sake! I need your help. Father


 I prayed, before continuing my tears and figuring out what I am going to do next.


 Sorry for the long wait! Have been focusing on The Cullens to much! Lol

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