Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears

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P.O.V Jaime

I sigh as I stand at the bus stop waiting for the fucking bus to pick me up. Man, it's really early in the god damn mother fucking morning. I have to start a new school and make new friends! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS! KIDS ARE CRUEL TO FRESHMEN OR EVEN NEW KIDS! I run a hand through my hair. Calm down Jaime, you will be fine you wonderful mother fucker. Biting my lip nervously, I see the bus coming my way. Holy shit this is it. A new school and new friends what could possibly go wrong. I step onto the bus looking for a spot to sit in. I go to sit next to this kid but he stuck his arm out blocking the seat. I let out a frustrated sigh and sit by myself in the back. I dig in my pocket, pull out my iPod, and jam my earbuds in my ears. Well I'm off to a wonderful start...


After what seems like forever we get to the school. I chew the inside of my cheek and wait for the bus to clear out a little before slinging my black backpack over my shoulder. I some how manage to find my way to the office.

"Hi...I'm Jaime Preciado I'm new here," I said. The lady types away at her keyboard.

She prints something out and hands it to me. I mumble under my breath while walking away. I look at the paper that has my classes on it.

"Let's see. Period one, English. Well fuck," I grumble to myself as I walk through the hallway looking for the classroom.

I get to the end of the hallway, "what the fuck!"

There's no more classes and I've looked at every door that has a number on it. I start to head back only I see I'm the only person in the hallway. Then the bell rings.


I turn down another hallway and see someone coming towards me. I try not to make eye contact, keeping my head down. The feet come closer to my body and I get shoved into a locker. Shit.

P.O.V Vic

I sit in math class bored as hell. I'm in calculus and it's harder than my dick. I decide to ask if I acn go the the bathroom. I get up and start walking to the teachers desk.

She looks up at me, "may I help you Mr. Fuentes?"

"Yeah. Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I dont know. Can you?" she responds sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, "can I just go?"

"Yes, Vic. Hurry back though," she goes back to her work.

I practically run out the door. When I get into the hallway I head to the bathroom to take about a 10 minute piss. The hallways are actually really peaceful when class is in. I turn the corner and see Jack, the most vicious bully in school, pushing someones shoulders against a locker. I turn my head to get a better look. Holy Shit. There's a tan, average height kid with skinny jeans and a black t shirt cowering against the locker. I slow down taking his beauty in. Wait, what Vic? I'm straight. You can't be saying this. I like girls. Right?

Jack turns his head to see who's there. Jaime follows his lead. I take off running down the hall, running into the bathroom. I lean against the wall panting. Well that was close.

P.O.V Jaime

Once I'm out of the grasp of that guy I try to find my class again. Damn. It's only the first day and i have bully. I can't seem to shake the image of that skinny, brown haired, tan guy out of my head. I push it to the back of my mind and go to class.

I finally find it on the other side of the fucking building. I open the door slowly in case they're in a middle of a lesson. I walk in and all eyes are on me. The teacher stares as if I'm supposed to expalin myself. Maybe i am supposed to. I dont even know.

"Well?" the teacher is still staring.

Yep I am.

"I'm sorry. I am new here and I couldnt find my way to the classroom."

The class giggles some. I look down face bright red and embarassed.

"Take a seat, and may i ask your name?"

"Jaime Preciado, ma'am."

I take a seat in the back of the room with two other girls. They stare at me in awe for some reason. I turn my head and give them a face to see if they'll stop staring, instead they only smile. The brown haired one goes back to writing while the blonde one is still staring.

"Hi," the blonde one says.

"Uhh hi?" I say a little confused.

She turns and jabs the other one with her elbow, "say hi Carly! You gotta be nice to him."

"What the fuck man!" the brown haired one says a little louder than she meant to.

The teacher looks at her with a glare.

"What's your guys' names?" I ask.

"Well I'm Maddie," the blonde one smiles, "and she is Carly."

"Nice to meet you," I reply. Carly wiggles her eyebrows at me, "uhhh."

"She's not being being creepy. That's how she says hi," Maddie points out. I chuckle nervously because Carly seems to be the type to kill people with looks. Carly was pretty, but so was Maddie. Carly caught me looking at her. She gave me a small smile and went back to working.

"Is she always this shy and quiet?" I asked.

Maddie just gave me shrug, "Ehh depends who she is with...but she'll warm up to you sooner or later. Right Carly?" she twitched a smile and shrugged.

"Umm...well...err...because I'm sure you don't know any one...would you like to err...sit with us at lunch?" Carly mumbled quietly. Thank fucking god they are nice! I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks it means a lot," they both smiled and went to work.

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