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I Forgive You

Baekhyun and I went to the mini park our school had then both of us sat down on a bench there. " Let me wipe it for you.. " I said while looking at his blooded lips then I grabbed some tissues that I kept in my bag. Why did you suddenly punch him, Jimin ?? Why ?? I wiped the blood slowly, try not to hurt him. But I failed.. " Ouch ! " He whinched in pain. " I'm sorry.. " I said then I continued wiping his lips. Little did I know.. He was staring at me.. As soon as I raised my head, our eyes met. He shot me with a sweet smile. I smiled back then I throwed the tissues that I used to the trash bin beside the bench. " Y/N-ah.. "

Baekhyun said softly. I turned to look at him. I hummed in response. " Emm.. Is Jimin your.. Boyfriend ? " He asked. I chuckled. " Nope.. He's not.. He is.. My best friend.. " I replied. " Ooo.. " He said while nodding. " But.. Why did he look so angry when he saw you hug me ? " He asked. I stayed silent. I also don't know why Baek.. " Huh.. I-I don't know.. Maybe because you're new here and.. He becomes an overprotective best friend.. Maybe.. " I said in a low tone while looking down. Suddenly, a tear escaped my eyes. I suddenly thought about what happened in the cafeteria just now. He defended her.. " Y/N ? " I heard Baekhyun called my name, so I looked at him. Not realising that my tears still there. " Hey.. Why you're cying ?.. " He asked with concern on his voice. My eyes widen then I quickly wiped my tears away. " Ahh.. It's nothing.. " I said, trying to convince him I'm okay. Right.. I'm okay..

" No.. You have to tell me Y/N.. What's wrong, huh ? " He asked, cupping my face with his hands. You need a friend Y/N.. Tell him.. Suddenly, I cried. Making Baekhyun pulled me into his embrace. " Shh.. Shh.. It's okay.. Cry.. Cry.. I'm here.. You know you can tell me anything.. " He said softly. Yes.. I can.. With that, I tell him EVERYTHING. Yes.. Everything.. And he had the 'seriously Y/N ?' face on. I chuckled at his reaction. " What the hell, Y/N ?! You keep your feelings to yourself for years ?? Oh my god.. " He face palmed himself. I smiled sheepishly.

" Well.. I don't have any courage to tell him though.. So I just shut my mouth up.. " I said. " Okay.. Emm.. So what's your plan now ? " He asked. Make me furrowed my eyebrows. " What plan ? " I asked. " Well.. Emm.. Maybe.. To confess to him or.. Something like that ?.. " He asked. Make me shook my head. " No.. For now, I want to relax.. Plus, I still mad at him.. He hurt me.. So I don't think I should talk to him for now.. " I said. Baekhyun nodded. " Hmm.. I'm okay is you say so.. " He said then smiled at me.

" Tae, you see Y/N ? " I asked as I arrived at his locker. I didn't see kitten all day after the incident in the cafeteria except when I saw her hug Baekhyun. " Nope.. Why ? Ahh.. Miss her already ? " He said teasingly after he closed his locker door. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled. " That is not the problem.. I want to know where is my kitten ! It's time to go home.. " I said then suddenly I saw Y/N walked down the hallway while talking with Baekhyun. Right.. Still with the guy..

I walked to them then I stopped in front of them. Making Y/N rolled her eyes. I glarred at Baekhyun with a 'leave now..' face. He understand it then he walked away quickly. I looked at Y/N again. " Where have you been ?  Do you know how worried I was ? " I said in a deep and husky voice. Well.. To signal her that I am angry right now. She looked at me. " Why do you care ? Plus, you don't own me.. I can go anywhere I want to.. " She said. Say who, kitten ? " I do own you.. YOU'RE MINE.. " I said it. I repeat. I SAID IT ! Finally ! Make her be like.. 'What did you say just.. Now ?' I grabbed her wrist then walked over to my car. But, she still struggling to free her hand from mine. " Let me go.. " She said but I ignored her.

" Let me go Park Jimin ! " She raised her voice. Make me looked at her with anger in my eyes. " Just follow me ! Stop fighting if you don't want me to punish you ! " I raised my voice at her. Make her silent right away. Guys, you have to know something. No matter how angry Y/N is or how she want to fight me, she still got scared when I am angry. And one more thing, I know that the word 'punish' is a little bit too.. Kinky.. But, well.. I accidently spit it out, so.. Hmm..

I immediately goes totally silent when he scolded me. Well.. I'm scared okay ?! No matter how strong I look when I want to fight him, I will ended up lose to his scary voice when he is angry. I mean.. Hey ! He is scary okay ??!!

 Hey ! He is scary okay ??!!

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" Now let's go.. " He said, still in his deep and husky voice while pulling me harshly  with him to his car. As soon as we stepped into the car, he started driving. During the whole journey, I kept on looking outside the window. Not dare to look at his scary face and not in the mood to look at him. After a few minutes, we arrived at my house. I quickly get out of the car and stepped into my house. Just when I was about to walk upstairs, someone grabbed my wrist. I rolled my eyes, knowing that it was Jimin. " Kitten.. Look at me please.. "

He said softly, pulling me towards him slowly. And I just let him do whatever he want. As soon as I face to face with him, he looked straight into my eyes. We stayed like that for quite a while. " Hey.. " He whispered while carressing my cheek. I immediately closed my eyes, feeling his touch that I miss the whole day already. " Kitten.. I'm really really sorry.. Please forgive me.. " His words make a tears escaped my eyes. He immediately pulled me into his embrace and I buried my face on his chest, crying hard. I hit his chest non-stop. " You're bad ! Why did you hurt me ?! I hate you ! I hate you Park Jimin ! " I said while crying.

He grabbed both of my wrist softly, making me stopped hitting him. " I know.. I'm sorry.. I hate myself for hurting you kitten.. I'm really sorry for what happened in the cafeteria and what happened just now.. Sorry for scolding you two times already today.. " He said softly then he hugged me again. I just remained silent and keep on crying on his chest. " Please.. Please forgive me.. I'm begging you, kitten.. It hurts me when you hate me.. " He whispered again while stroking my hair softly to calm me down. After I calmed down, I immediately raised my head to looked at him in the eyes. His eyes shows GUILT.. Slowly, my lips curved a sweet smile. I carressed his cheek while saying.. " I forgive you.. "

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