Chapter 2

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm running so behind. Carter is going to kill me!"

I race down the stairs pulling my suitcase behind me, I watch cab after cab flying by me ready for their early morning start.

Fuck I cannot be late!

I desperately wave my arms in the air for any car to stop.

Finally, I catch one and hop in, suitcase on my lap.

"Where we headed to a pretty lady?" the older gentleman asks.

"The airport, please. And fast"

"You got it"

As we fly by on the FDR I stare out the window smiling as we pass by the Hudson River. California is going to definitely be a whole new environment for me. Los Angeles is another big city similar to New York, but I'm sure it will be a culture shock to me in a sense.

"So I'm assuming by the bag we're not picking up?"

"No" I slightly chuckle as I sit uncomfortably.

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer.

"I'm flying to LA this morning!"

"Wow LA first time?"

The first time for many things, I thought to myself. This is my second chance at my career and maybe my last. Music is my life, ever since I was a little girl and finally, I can feel this will be my big break. Who knows how much longer Carter will keep me on if I don't start actually making him some real money soon.

"Hey don't worry you'll be fine. I fly back home every month, look at me still kicking gray hairs and all"

I laugh slightly meeting his eyes in the mirror.

"You know you remind me of my daughter, she just flew in from back home" I sit back and listen as the driver tells me his life story trying to calm my nerves.

As we pull into the airport I tell him the exit Carter told me. We slowly wheel in to see Carter casually standing by a private fucking jet, of course, he has his own jet. But to hell with that, he looks ever so casual and hot in his blue T-shirt and distressed jeans paired with black sneakers. This is the first time I have ever seen Carter, not in a suit or trousers, he hasn't noticed me yet with his shades on clicking away at his phone.

" must be a loaded sweetheart."

My stomach does a flip as he utters those words. Sweetheart.

"God I wish..." I chuckle

"Your husband?"

"God I wish...Wait for what? Oh no no that's my manager." Why did that slip out of my mouth?

"Well if he's single put in a good word for my daughter." He laughs

As I throw my suitcase out I look back and laugh. "I'll try. Thanks for getting me here so quickly."
I swipe my card and turn to exit before I see Carter's hand reaching out for me to grab as I gently step out.

"Safe flights pretty lady" the cab mumbles as Carter closes my door.

"6:58. Good job sweetheart" he says with his devilish smirk.

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