Chapter 1

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Sitting in the waiting area I fidget with my fingers listening to the clock ticking. Always meeting my manager panics me, he's so intense and striking. His deep green eyes, stern voice, and firm stance terrify me. But he is the greatest manager a girl can have, he truly believes in me and I appreciate Carter.
Even 3 years ago when my first and only album flopped, he continued to push me and believe in me.

"Mr. Evans will see you now." Carter's bimbo of a secretary strides her fake hips and cheap hair extension towards me. Let me be clear this isn't a jealousy thing, but she is clearly cheaply made and proud to show it off. You know the type, the one still trying to live off of her high school popularity.

Every time I'm here she has the same stupid look on her face, the face of 'you are beneath me. I am better than you in every way' type of look. I'm also sure she wants to fuck Carter, the way she bends over his desk with her blouse unbuttoned. Bending over in her tight pencils skirts to pick up something she dropped on the floor just in hopes he'll look her way.

I can't blame her for her attraction to Carter, he's stunning completely. Dark chocolate brown hair with random highlights brushed back, 6'1" stature, deep green eyes, always in a well-fitted suit. And his attitude, he's an alpha male. He takes charge of any room the moment he walks in, well respected and all eyes on him. But he's my boss and I'm just a fucking virgin, I wouldn't even know what to do with that man.

"Slut" Seriously, did call ME a slut? She's not even worth an insult.

"Get laid already, Ashley.." I hear her huff behind me as I step into Carter's office.

Carter's back is turned to me, he's overlooking the New York skyline, his office is smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan. My presence doesn't even disturb him deep in thought.

"You wanted to see me Car-Mr. Evans?" I always forget I need to be formal with Carter while at his workplace. Being in this office makes me feel like I was just called into the principal's office and I'm about to be punished.

"Seriously sweetheart when will you learn shorts are not proper business attire? I don't care if they are black and you're wearing a blazer." I watch him smile in the window reflection while overlooking my attire.

"It's 95 degrees out and I'm 22 years old sue me" I snap back, I hear his jaw clench as he looks over his shoulder to me.

"Sit" he growls, I immediately obey.

He slowly walks into front of me to lean back on his desk.

"So Mallory, I have some good news" he smiles at me.

I look up at him patiently waiting for his next message. Good news? That's a rare moment for us.

"James D. He wants you to feature on his song. He listens to one of your covers recently and his manager contacted me last night."

I try to hold my excitement but my smile can't help itself. Carter rolls his eyes watching me squirm in my seat, I can't contain myself much longer. James D. He's one of the biggest entertainers around today, he's been on all the top 100 charts over the last year.

"Let it ou..."

"YOU'RE SHITTING ME CARTER! ARE YOU SERIOUS! FUCK ME CARTER! This is great news!!!" I let out a loud squeal enough to make Ashley look back into the office.

Carter lowers his eyes to her causing her to jump right back into her work. He rolls his eyes before looking back at me pointing to sit back in my chart. He leans back onto his desk grabbing onto the edge tightly.

"Language Mallory!"

"'s just"

Carter gives me a little smirk, "Fine you can hug me"

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