Chapter 9

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We all met at the bridge Kakashi-sensei specified the a few weeks later. We waited for three hours before he decided to show up. "Your late!" Naruto yelled and Sasuke said.
"Hn (You need to stop being late)" I just chucked at the two's antics.
"My names Uzumaki Naruto dattebayo! I like Ramen, comparing ramen, Ichiraku's ramen the old man and the village, I dislike when people can't tell the scroll from the kunai and the three minuetes it takes for ramen to cook." after Naruto finished his introduction Kakashi pointed at Sasuke.
"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I like few things some being: tomatos, music, Madoka and training. I dislike Failure and my loved ones being hurt. Hobies: cooking!"Sasuke grinned evilly, causing me to groan.
"Never let him cook. I'm Kaname Madoka, I like most every thing, but like doing peoples hair the most. The things I hate, you've never heard off and my hobbies are cooking and preventing Sasuke from making poison." I smirked back at Sasuke.
"Oh, my cooking isn't thaaaaat bad..." Sasuke avoided eye contact as he defended him self. Kakashi-sensei clearly thought we were an interesting bunch and had us start in menial D rank missions that day.

Two month later Naruto couldn't take it anymore and complained to the Hokage, thus the four of us are on our way to the land of waves with a man named Tazuna. Naruto was hiding it well, but it was quite obvious that he was uncomfortable around Tazuna, most probably because he was drunk, I wonder what's the story there?

On the way to the land of waves we encountered a puddle, this puddle stood out because it was the middle of summer and hadn't rained in weeks. I naturally noticed the chakra signals inside of the puddle and Sasuke noticed the despair inside, Naruto while he pretended to not notice clearly (to me anyway) had. Kakashi looked at the puddle dismissively and was observing the three of us instead, when he gleamed nothing from our expressions he looked away with a slight frown.

When we walked past the puddle two men appeared and cut Kakashi-sensei's substitution to pieces, leaving the three of us to deal with the two men who bore a resemblance to each other. The taller man attack Naruto who was pretending to freeze up and the other attacked me. Sasuke deflected the attack with his lightweight sword, but was pushed back slightly. "Naruto! Don't just stand there! Are you going to watch your team die?" Naruto looked shocked at Sasuke's words, but showed a determined expression afterwards. I was easily deflecting the attacks of the shorter man simply by waving a lightweight sword around. I personally prefer heavy weight swords due to my ability to augmented my strength, with hope without fully transforming. Naturally this was one of the first skills I taught Sasuke and we both use heavy weight swords when we get serious. I was totally ignoring my opponent in favour of watching Naruto and Sasuke's moment. Sasuke was being pushed back and struggling to protect Naruto behind him.
"Sasuke can you buy me two minutes?" Sasuke hesitated not knowing if he should trust Naruto, but then he remembered that I said he could be trusted.
"Better be quick Naruto!"
"Thank you Sasuke!"
"Madoka I can't hold on much longer! Can I?" Sasuke asked me. Noticing what he meant I looked at our swords and realised that they were horribly chipped and would only last a few more hits.
"Level two Sasuke!" I yelled out and we both jumped back pulling a scroll out. We both cut our fingers, smearing the blood on the scrolls which are written in the language of my original world. We both began chanting in a language that would sound as if gibberish to anyone else. Once the chant was done fully black sword appeared in each our hands. This sword was the same size as the last, but was significantly heavier and could conduct Hope making it easier to augment our strength and can even be coated in hope and be used as a medium to cast hope based attacks without transforming, but it is naturally weaker than a fully transformed attack. If we used level three we could easily beat them, but since were being graded on this we should try teamwork first and if Naruto's plan succeeded well get a good grade and hopefully be doing C rank missions from now on. Its fun to watch others do D rank missions, not so fun to be the one doing them. Naruto looked longingly at the scrolls his desire to dissect them apparent, he also looked shocked and showed recognition. I wonder what he's recognising?

Sasuke's position improved immediately, while it wasn't enough for him to win, he could last a few minuets. "Better start with whatever your betting on Naruto!"
Naruto didn't reply instead he started chanting in the same language as we had just while forming a seal.
That's right I remember the Uzumaki's were amongst the founders of Kibou(Hope), the branch family must have moved to Konoha? I wonder why they left Kibou, wait is Kibou still there? Well then again Sasuke's clan was here weren't they? Maybe they left together.

Naruto completed his seal and ice inferno was completed. The ball of ice which was alive and resembled flames in Its movements. The flame split into two and surrounded the men it was a thin film of ice which covered them, but I knew better than to think that wouldn't hold them. While the film of ice was easily shattered by simply moving, the ice releases an inferno of cold air which seeps into the bones, locking joints freezing muscles. It makes it almost impossible to move, not to mention it freezes bone marrow which causes some of the most excruciating pain known to man. Now that the two men were frozen Sasuke and I resealed our swords, walking back to Naruto who was sitting cross legged controlling the flames. "How come you didn't mention he was like us?"
"He doesn't have the full power only the basics and unless their used or I purposefully checked to see if it existed then it's invisible." Sasuke nodded in agreement. I had been focusing on teaching Sasuke the transformation, ninja techniques and Hope argumentation/ infusion so he hasn't learnt any seals other than the storage seal.

Kakashi-sensei jumped out of the tree line and said, "Good job you three!" He was about to say, 'I'll take it from here' when Naruto removed the ice from the men's mouth and vocal cords. An agonising scream rang through the road making Tazuna which had been seemingly forgotten jump. "Please make it stop!" The men begged Kakashi-sensei looked surprised that they broke that easily and started questioning them. "Tell us why your here and we'll-"
"Our boss Zabuza told us to kill Tazuna under the orders of Gato! Please make it stop." Kakashi blinked a few times and observed them disbelievingly.
"They're telling the truth." Kyubey spoke inside everyone's minds making Naruto jump Sasuke smirk and Kakashi try to locate the voice. "Its Kyubey, incubators can differentiate the truth from lies." Kakashi-sensei looked at the incubator and touched it. "Please don't touch me." the creature spoke into his mind.
"How can it speak without moving it?"
"It speaks to your mind."

(Sorry I haven't been releasing any chapters recently, I'll post more later today.)

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