epilogue : part 8

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it's an escalation of events, to say the least, that has caused the pair to land in a. . . compromising position. the faintest trace of the argument that occurred earlier had completely vanished somewhere along phil's arm that wrapped around dan's shoulders in tight hesitation and dan's head that rested on phil's chest in bitter nostalgia-but right now they are so close to each other it's almost hard to breathe.

their closeness had progressed without context with each minute into the movie, with each glide of phil's fingers over dan's arm. right now, dan is partially if not completely on top of phil, his left leg tangled between phil's, his fingertips learning the pattern of his torso and his cheek pressed firmly against phil's chest.

phil is occupied with the task of untangling the copper mop on top of dan's head, one of his arms wrapped around his. . .friend? husband? lover? there were a lot of questions that were unanswered. amongst those questions were some that fit into their current situation, that absolutely needed to be answered before phil can stop himself from doing something more than just touching dan's hair-but the muscle in his mouth refuses to move as per his will. it does that at the best of times.

it takes the buzzing of phil's phone for them to even notice the time-it was almost time for dinner and adrian's name was flashing on his screen in a sour reminder.

"hey, yeah i know it's late i'll be coming in-"

"stay," dan interrupts in a small voice, pushing his face deeper into phil's neck to hide the pink that decided to dust over his cheeks in an abundance of colour, humiliation and heat.

"huh?" phil tilts his head a little to look at him and dan purses his lips, moving away so he can look at phil and repeat the agonisingly pleading words again. he really can't let phil leave so soon.

"stay," he mumbles. "please,"

"stay?" phil repeats, swallowing the reluctance in his throat. "like the night?"

"like forever,"

"is this really the time to be cheesy?"

"it's always the time to be cheesy,"

"listen if y'all can stop being gay and let me know if you're coming for dinne-"

"shut up," phil scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows, mostly to hide the flush of his cheeks. "i-i think i might not be able to-"

"yeah yeah, i know,"

"it's literally nothing like that,"

"listen you really don't have to act platonic, you both are literally married,"

"go to sleep,"

"use protection kids,"

heeKK i'm wrapping it up soon i promise

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